President Trump


Staff member
obama just got us back to where we already were, trump is taking it to places it hasnt been
Not that I accept your premise of Obama/Trump being solely responsible for stock market fluctuations, but if all Obama did was get you back to where you were then you need some serious help with your investment strategy.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
Not that I accept your premise of Obama/Trump being solely responsible for stock market fluctuations, but if all Obama did was get you back to where you were then you need some serious help with your investment strategy.
im talking the market not me, it crashed in 2008, obama just took it back to where it already was before the crash


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
Not that I accept your premise of Obama/Trump being solely responsible for stock market fluctuations, but if all Obama did was get you back to where you were then you need some serious help with your investment strategy.
im 38, i got a long time before i retire, so i can weather the ups and downs


Staff member
im talking the market not me, it crashed in 2008, obama just took it back to where it already was before the crash
If you're talking about the market, then why did you thank Trump for your 401K?
FYI, the S&P500 set a bunch of records under Obama starting back in 2013.


Nine Lives
So Obama effected a 6000 point gain from the recovery point of ~12,000 and got it to 18,000 over a 5 1/2 year period.
Trump effected a 4,000 point gain in a little over 13 months.
Time will tell but if you extend Trump out to 5 1/2 years at the same growth rate the DOW will be at 38,000.

As Greenspan would say ... "Irrational exuberance" ... last time he said that, the market tanked in 3 years due to 'irrational exuberance'.
I meet with my financial analyst next week and I'm going to propose a dollar cost average out of the market starting in January. Not sure what I will be in but that's where the FA earns his money.
I was already at 99% positive until age 98 on a 1000 runs on a Monte Carlo simulation in my investments and cash flow.

The bubble will burst ... the question is when?

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Nine Lives
When asked for the first word that pops into their head when they think of the commander-in-chief, U.S. voters gave such glowing descriptors as “idiot,” “liar” and “a**hole,” according to a new Quinnipiac University survey out Tuesday.

Donald Trump Is an “Idiot” and a “Liar,” Americans Say in New Poll
50% of the votes in and the "Anti-Chester" has narrowed the margin to 4%.

“liar” and “a**hole" sound applicable, but then he is a politician (maybe).


Man of Great Wisdom
Had 380 when it peaked with Bush. 204 low point under Obama in March of '09. Up almost 600 since. I credit the fact that the government mostly accomplishes nothing which the market likes.