President Trump


What The Hawk?

Is that really your dog?
Looks a lot like Toon's dawg.
Yep that's my dog. Her name is Koagie.
Momscamera 098.jpg

11 years ago.


golden ticket member
"It is also important to note what Trump didn’t do: he didn’t start World War III, he didn’t deport 11 million people in the country illegally, he didn’t eliminate guarantees of equal status for women, he did not toss the Iran nuclear deal, he did not fire Special Counsel Mueller or Attorney General Sessions, he didn’t cause the stock market to crash or upend our monetary policy, he failed to greenlight Putin’s mischief-making in Eastern Europe, he hasn’t reinstated the use of torture, and also hasn’t ignited a trade war. And, he didn’t plunge the country into recession."
Liz Peek: What Trump DIDN'T do in 2017: President's hysteria-prone critics must be sorely disappointed


Staff member
"It is also important to note what Trump didn’t do: he didn’t start World War III, he didn’t deport 11 million people in the country illegally, he didn’t eliminate guarantees of equal status for women, he did not toss the Iran nuclear deal, he did not fire Special Counsel Mueller or Attorney General Sessions, he didn’t cause the stock market to crash or upend our monetary policy, he failed to greenlight Putin’s mischief-making in Eastern Europe, he hasn’t reinstated the use of torture, and also hasn’t ignited a trade war. And, he didn’t plunge the country into recession."
Liz Peek: What Trump DIDN'T do in 2017: President's hysteria-prone critics must be sorely disappointed
Not because he didn't/doesn't want to.