President Trump


Well-Known Member
And if you extend that money out beyond 10 years, even better. And then Democratic candidate turns to republican candidate and asks politely, "Why would you cut GE's faces indefinitely but Mr Jones will see his tax cut end?"
Only a an uneducated democratic candidate, oops.


Well-Known Member
I don't know why you guys still engage with him. He's a troll and a liar. His entire existence is to incite arguments.

You're correct, there wasn't one argument in this forum until I showed up. An argument is only two or more persons voicing their opinion and trying to support it with facts. Take argument away and the current events section would cease to exist. Your basic problem is the inability to counter a position with facts, so you resort to silencing your opponent. The same actions occur on college campuses when conservatives are shouted down or denied the right to speak. Typical leftist operating procedure. If you perceive a lie, call me on it, force me to defend it, but that would take to much effort on your part. You perform best in an echo chamber full of like minded parrots. Happy New Year.


Well-Known Member
It is law that was made with 51 Senate votes, not the 60 that used to be needed.

For someone who thinks he's pretty bright, you miss some glaring details.
@bbsam this was responded to, pg 459 #9179
Btw I was aware at the time and throughout the process that it would be passed under reconciliation rules.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
the best way to prove him a liar is to prove him a liar. He just posted a lot of factual information. dispute him if you have the facts.
I've stopped reading his posts. It's not worth my time to ever respond to him. He's not interested in actual debate. He's here to troll. I don't believe he's black, I don't believe he works for Fedex, I don't believe he has any legal background. He's a troll, plain and simple.


Well-Known Member
Number 5
When the republicans got their 51 votes the bill was going to pass, nothing the democrats could do to stop it. If only nine democrats joined in a bill that couldn't be stopped the tax cuts on individuals could have been made permanent. All democrats played politics, if only nine had crossed over the individual tax cuts would not sunset in ten years. Democrats are the reason these cuts expire in ten years. Fact

"Why would you cut GE's faces indefinitely but Mr Jones will see his tax cut end?" That is why Mr Jones's taxes aren't cut indefinitely.
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Well-Known Member
I've stopped reading his posts. It's not worth my time to ever respond to him. He's not interested in actual debate. He's here to troll. I don't believe he's black, I don't believe he works for Fedex, I don't believe he has any legal background. He's a troll, plain and simple.
That's right, I'm a Russian spook......BOO red courtesy of the Kremlin.


Well-Known Member
Oh, I'm certain the numbers can be massaged to make it work with 51.

I don't know if democrats will call it "dynamic scoring" or just ":censored2: we made up so we can do what we want" but either way it's the same thing.
It's your world, I'm just living in it.
Happy New Year


Well-Known Member
Those rules seem now to be easily ignored.
It was passed under the Byrd rule, named after Sen. Robert Byrd WV, one of your guys. Nothing has been ignored except your ability to accept the fact that the senate rules were followed. You do understand that Constitutionally only 51 votes are required in all votes, no special Senate rules required. Pm IWBF that I've spewed more lies. That's alright, don't bother he'll read it on his own.


Well-Known Member
It was passed under the Byrd rule, named after Sen. Robert Byrd WV, one of your guys. Nothing has been ignored except your ability to accept the fact that the senate rules were followed. You do understand that Constitutionally only 51 votes are required in all votes, no special Senate rules required. Pm IWBF that I've spewed more lies. That's alright, don't bother he'll read it on his own.

is that KKK Byrd who you may be referring to , dear chap?