President Trump


Staff member
It was passed under the Byrd rule, named after Sen. Robert Byrd WV, one of your guys. Nothing has been ignored except your ability to accept the fact that the senate rules were followed. You do understand that Constitutionally only 51 votes are required in all votes, no special Senate rules required. Pm IWBF that I've spewed more lies. That's alright, don't bother he'll read it on his own.
Yes. I believe that Mitch McConnell famously warned Harry Reid about going that route. Well, now we are now obviously down that path.


Staff member
Why don't you guys just forget about collusion and just wait for Mueller to finish his investigation?

And does it matter if it was Page or George? The administration said all along none of its people had contact with Russia.

Obviously that was a lie. So if it wasn't collusion, what was it? And if it was all above board, why all the lies?


Well-Known Member
Why don't you guys just forget about collusion and just wait for Mueller to finish his investigation?

And does it matter if it was Page or George? The administration said all along none of its people had contact with Russia.

Obviously that was a lie. So if it wasn't collusion, what was it? And if it was all above board, why all the lies?
You tell us to forget about collusion then say "so if it wasn't collusion..." You know what, wouldn't surprise me if Trump was looking to increase his holdings in Russia by making the Russians happy on a few things. He's not going to be president forever and he's thinking about his kids. Wouldn't shock me at all. But to say the Russians stole the election for him, there's just nothing there, at least so far.


Well-Known Member
If you support the cause it matters not what you do under the sheets :)
Excellent, bleach and press, we must be presentable doing the peoples business. Don't forget the bonfire cordial Saturday next, order of business, Johnson's Great Society.
By they way, The Honorable Sheet's Bryd of West Virginia will be the featured speaker and will light our fire.
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Staff member
You tell us to forget about collusion then say "so if it wasn't collusion..." You know what, wouldn't surprise me if Trump was looking to increase his holdings in Russia by making the Russians happy on a few things. He's not going to be president forever and he's thinking about his kids. Wouldn't shock me at all. But to say the Russians stole the election for him, there's just nothing there, at least so far.
Stole the election for him?! You've found Maxine Waters and just about nobody else saying something like that.

Now why the president doesn't accept the findings of the intelligence community and move to secure elections is a baffling question.


Well-Known Member
I haven't seen anything like that.
And no blonde scalp has been delivered. Trump train is pickin up steam, like the orange blossom special, and if your Great White Hope Mueller doesn't deliver soon just think of the carnage to be inflicted. Not a good day to be your type. (Democrat leftists, before you try to pull the skin color charge) Today is Jan 2 2018, what's on the calendar today?


Well-Known Member
Stole the election for him?! You've found Maxine Waters and just about nobody else saying something like that.

Now why the president doesn't accept the findings of the intelligence community and move to secure elections is a baffling question.
How many voting booths were hacked? None, because they aren't connected to the internet. So what exactly do you mean by "secure?" How about voter I.D.? If we're going to have "secure" elections, then why not a picture I.D. for every voter? It's required for so many things, why not voting?


Well-Known Member
Stole the election for him?! You've found Maxine Waters and just about nobody else saying something like that.

Now why the president doesn't accept the findings of the intelligence community and move to secure elections is a baffling question.
For awhile the Dems from Hillary on down were saying she lost due to Russian meddling. How can that not be construed as stealing the election?


Well-Known Member
How many voting booths were hacked? None, because they aren't connected to the internet. So what exactly do you mean by "secure?" How about voter I.D.? If we're going to have "secure" elections, then why not a picture I.D. for every voter? It's required for so many things, why not voting?

Excellent point.

My son and I share the same first and last names and with the lack of an ID check rule where I live I could conceivably vote twice and no one would be the wiser.


Well-Known Member
How many voting booths were hacked? None, because they aren't connected to the internet. So what exactly do you mean by "secure?" How about voter I.D.? If we're going to have "secure" elections, then why not a picture I.D. for every voter? It's required for so many things, why not voting?
It's a hardship for some to get a picture id?


Staff member
How many voting booths were hacked? None, because they aren't connected to the internet. So what exactly do you mean by "secure?" How about voter I.D.? If we're going to have "secure" elections, then why not a picture I.D. for every voter? It's required for so many things, why not voting?
Removing foreign fake news bots.

US intelligence is adamant that Russia and other nations seek to influence elections and go to great lengths to do so. Why continue to allow that?