President Trump


Well-Known Member
Removing foreign fake news bots.

US intelligence is adamant that Russia and other nations seek to influence elections and go to great lengths to do so. Why continue to allow that?
And Obama used tax dollars to pay for operatives to try to sway the Israeli election against Netanyahu. And they're an ally. A lot of foolishness going around. Not to mention Obama was aware of what was going on with the Russians before the election and did nothing about it. Y'all try to put everything on Trump but look what your side did. The Republicans look like boy scouts in comparison.


Well-Known Member
Why don't you guys just forget about collusion and just wait for Mueller to finish his investigation?

And does it matter if it was Page or George? The administration said all along none of its people had contact with Russia.

Obviously that was a lie. So if it wasn't collusion, what was it? And if it was all above board, why all the lies?

in this context it does matter that liberal media sources are rushing to distract attention away from the dossier to a 28 year old wannabe trying to sound important. its another example of many how your liberal news sources are trying to steer this conversation.


Well-Known Member
Removing foreign fake news bots.

US intelligence is adamant that Russia and other nations seek to influence elections and go to great lengths to do so. Why continue to allow that?

us intelligence should be adamant that US intelligence tries to influence other elections and oh by the way other countries try to do the same to us. Trump is elected president and suddenly this interference is a new found revelation.


Staff member
And Obama used tax dollars to pay for operatives to try to sway the Israeli election against Netanyahu. And they're an ally. A lot of foolishness going around. Not to mention Obama was aware of what was going on with the Russians before the election and did nothing about it. Y'all try to put everything on Trump but look what your side did. The Republicans look like boy scouts in comparison.
Just to be clear, you favor Russian involvement in elections going forward?


Staff member
us intelligence should be adamant that US intelligence tries to influence other elections and oh by the way other countries try to do the same to us. Trump is elected president and suddenly this interference is a new found revelation.
See above post.


Staff member
in this context it does matter that liberal media sources are rushing to distract attention away from the dossier to a 28 year old wannabe trying to sound important. its another example of many how your liberal news sources are trying to steer this conversation.
Could be both played a role.

What was that piece of crap doing in meetings with the campaign in the first place?
Seems some extreme vetting would have been prudent.


Well-Known Member
Yes. Seriously.
I'm in favor of government employees living by the rules and getting punished if they don't. That doesn't seem to apply to certain Democrats who, if handed the reins of government, would probably do much more damage than foreign entities playing games would ever do. It's already been demonstrated that their followers will give them a free pass on just about anything.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
Do or should other countries allow it?
it is not right either way, however if no machines were not hacked or votes changed it dont make no difference. You can make the case comey did more damage to clinton then any russian news story


Well-Known Member
He also tried to say changing tax policy again would require 60 votes by the next congress.
No I didn't. You were speaking of the democrats turning the tax law around and making the individual cuts permanent. That scenario would take 60 votes because it wouldn't fulfill the requirements of the Byrd rule. Don't change my meaning or put words in my mouth. That statement was in direct response to a post of yours.


Staff member
it is not right either way, however if no machines were not hacked or votes changed it dont make no difference. You can make the case comey did more damage to clinton then any russian news story
Sorry. This has nothing to do with Clinton.

I'm asking about elections and whether we should allow them to be influenced by Russians. I thought it pretty much a simple yes/ no question but I sense that you the obvious answer.


Staff member
No I didn't. You were speaking of the democrats turning the tax law around and making the individual cuts permanent. That scenario would take 60 votes because it wouldn't fulfill the requirements of the Byrd rule. Don't change my meaning or put words in my mouth. That statement was in direct response to a post of yours.
And I said that other changes could be made to make it fit the Byrd rule. You know, "dynamic scoring" and other make believe crap.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
Sorry. This has nothing to do with Clinton.

I'm asking about elections and whether we should allow them to be influenced by Russians. I thought it pretty much a simple yes/ no question but I sense that you the obvious answer.
and you missed the point, influence of elections comes from everywhere, you really think the russians swung the election, you got to be crazy, if there was no vote tampering they didnt. Which answers your question, countries interfare and most of it does nothing to alter the vote


Staff member
I'm in favor of government employees living by the rules and getting punished if they don't. That doesn't seem to apply to certain Democrats who, if handed the reins of government, would probably do much more damage than foreign entities playing games would ever do. It's already been demonstrated that their followers will give them a free pass on just about anything.
So...if we know Russians are attempting to influence elections, should we attempt to stop them or not?


Staff member
and you missed the point, influence of elections comes from everywhere, you really think the russians swung the election, you got to be crazy, if there was no vote tampering they didnt. Which answers your question, countries interfare and most of it does nothing to alter the vote
You are fighting the findings of the US intelligence community. Nowhere did they or I say that votes were tampered with or changed.

And if you continue to say that influences come from everywhere, are you suggesting it's ok if it comes from Russia attempting to do so. Even if you believe that the United States does it in other countries, are you saying we should simply accept other countries doing it in the US? This isn't a difficult question.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
You are fighting the findings of the US intelligence community. Nowhere did they or I say that votes were tampered with or changed.

And if you continue to say that influences come from everywhere, are you suggesting it's ok if it comes from Russia attempting to do so. Even if you believe that the United States does it in other countries, are you saying we should simply accept other countries doing it in the US? This isn't a difficult question.
im saying you cant stop it


Staff member
im saying you cant stop it
Oh. I think intelligence agencies and software companies disagree. But first you'd have to accept the premise that they really can tell where such threats come from. That when they say it's Russia, it isn't China or a 400 pound guy in his moms basement.