President Trump


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
god i feel so safe when i hear the united states threaten north korea with nuclear war.

how many countries has north korea bombed in the last 60 years. and what about america.

give me a break.

america is like a misbehaving child which the parents cant control.

america cant stop a bunch of poor terrorists, what makes it think it can stop a nuclear bomb.
yea because what other country in the world would stand up to anyone


Staff member
Bannon rips Trump and our friends on the right around here say nothing...

You guys waiting for Fox News to tell you what to think?


Staff member
Looks like Fox is speechless. Bannon didn't even make their top stories. Something about Antifa up there...

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Trump gave up on his voter fraud witch hunt. I guess he couldn't find evidence of the 3 millions illegal voters that all voted for Hillary in safe blue states.


Well-Known Member
Could be both played a role.

What was that piece of crap doing in meetings with the campaign in the first place?
Seems some extreme vetting would have been prudent.

somebody had to get the coffee and donuts and probably needed a security clearance to sit in the same room.