President Trump


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
Oh. I think intelligence agencies and software companies disagree. But first you'd have to accept the premise that they really can tell where such threats come from. That when they say it's Russia, it isn't China or a 400 pound guy in his moms basement.
they cant and they wont, because they cant tell someone want to click on or read on


Well-Known Member
And I said that other changes could be made to make it fit the Byrd rule. You know, "dynamic scoring" and other make believe crap.
You had absolutely no idea how they passed it with 51 votes until I told you about the Bryd rule. Your claim was they changed the rules to pass it. My claim was they passed it within the rules. You then changed mid stream as started with your dynamic scoring crap.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
You had absolutely no idea how they passed it with 51 votes until I told you about the Bryd rule. Your claim was they changed the rules to pass it. My claim was they passed it within the rules. You then changed mid stream as started with your dynamic scoring crap.
the byrd rule a bogus rule anyway, and so is the filabuster


Staff member
they cant and they wont, because they cant tell someone want to click on or read on
Freakishly absurd.

So Uranium One is as real as a Trump dossier.

Bill Clinton had Ron Brown murdered.

Donald Trump likes hookers who pee on him.

Hillary Clinton'a emails were hacked by a 400 lb loser.

Fox News, Breitbart, and Wikileaks are credible.

NPR, NBC, and CBS are all fake news.

It's all on the internet. Choose your facts. They're all the same.

Um. No.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
Freakishly absurd.

So Uranium One is as real as a Trump dossier.

Bill Clinton had Ron Brown murdered.

Donald Trump likes hookers who pee on him.

Hillary Clinton'a emails were hacked by a 400 lb loser.

Fox News, Breitbart, and Wikileaks are credible.

NPR, NBC, and CBS are all fake news.

It's all on the internet. Choose your facts. They're all the same.

Um. No.
your making my point, they cant stop people from clicking on it, it is up to the person who reads it, if they believe it or not


Well-Known Member
You are fighting the findings of the US intelligence community. Nowhere did they or I say that votes were tampered with or changed.

And if you continue to say that influences come from everywhere, are you suggesting it's ok if it comes from Russia attempting to do so. Even if you believe that the United States does it in other countries, are you saying we should simply accept other countries doing it in the US? This isn't a difficult question.
The chief law enforcement officer of the U.S. was made aware of Russian attempts to influence the election in 2016 and yet did nothing to stop it. We peons have no power to stop it and yet you demand an answer from us while he got a free pass. Of course we don't want meddling. There were a lot of things going on in previous administration we didn't want either but had no power to stop and their supporters turned a complete blind eye to. All we can do is vote, hope for the best.


Staff member
The chief law enforcement officer of the U.S. was made aware of Russian attempts to influence the election in 2016 and yet did nothing to stop it. We peons have no power to stop it and yet you demand an answer from us while he got a free pass. Of course we don't want meddling. There were a lot of things going on in previous administration we didn't want either but had no power to stop and their supporters turned a complete blind eye to. All we can do is vote, hope for the best.
Yes. As my previous post says, Obama did nothing. He made some half ass excuse.

Trump even pointed out that Obama did nothing but hasn't answered why he has not.


Well-Known Member
Yes. As my previous post says, Obama did nothing. He made some half ass excuse.

Trump even pointed out that Obama did nothing but hasn't answered why he has not.
What would you have him do? Block all Russian access to U.S. internet(is that possible?)? Send all Russian embassy staff home except skeleton crew? Impose economic sanctions? In other words greatly escalate already bad relations?


Well-Known Member
I think when such rules are put into place they mean well.

But eventually someone just has to have their way and finds a way to circumvent the intention.
I think they are put into place to make it difficult for the elected majority to get their business done. How often has the term "do nothing Congress" been thrown about? The Constitution requires 51 votes, a majority to pass legislation.


Well-Known Member
Yes. As my previous post says, Obama did nothing. He made some half ass excuse.

Trump even pointed out that Obama did nothing but hasn't answered why he has not.
If it didn't happen yesterday you assume nothing is being done, are you sure nothing is being done?


Well-Known Member
Whose job will it be to determine real from fake, the government? Now you want the government to filter what one can read? Works well in other totalitarian countries why not here?
Which is the crux of the Republican/Democrat divide. Limited government vs expanded government.


Well-Known Member
Which is the crux of the Republican/Democrat divide. Limited government vs expanded government.
I'll only say conservative republican/ democrat divide, run of the mill republicans have no fear of big government as long as they can have control. I just have to be truthful.