President Trump


Well-Known Member
If it didn't happen yesterday you assume nothing is being done, are you sure nothing is being done?
Anything done by Democrats behind the scenes must be accepted as being done for our benefit. Republicans on the other hand must have complete transparency so that their critics can rip them over every iota.


Staff member
Whose job will it be to determine real from fake, the government? Now you want the government to filter what one can read? Works well in other totalitarian countries why not here?
I think we should start with the ones coming from Russia at least. Do you think that too Orwellian?


Well-Known Member
President Trump Made 1,950 Untrue Claims in 2017. That's Making His Job Harder

When President Trump sat down with the New York Times for an interview recently, he said something untrue about every 75 seconds. That's not just the usual political boasting and grandstanding. Those were actual, verifiable claims which professional fact checkers investigated and found to be untrue.

It's fascinating to me, Obama wasn't 100% honest, but he was pilloried by the folks who take Trumps' statements as gospel.

Trump is the biggest liar around.

We're a year in, the hopeful said that Trump the candidate wouldn't be the the same as Trump the President, vis-a-vis his words and actions.

Nope, the candidate is the President: he acts the same, he lies the same, etc.

Again, it's amazing, the Trumperati will defend Trump against the very things they nailed Obama for.

Maybe that's just politics, but it seems a little ridiculous.

Lots of Kool-Aid flowing!



Well-Known Member
I like how Trump took credit for 2017 being the safest year for commercial airline travel.

Guy takes credit for a lot of stuff that has nothing to do with him...


Well-Known Member
god i feel so safe when i hear the united states threaten north korea with nuclear war.

how many countries has north korea bombed in the last 60 years. and what about america.

give me a break.

america is like a misbehaving child which the parents cant control.

america cant stop a bunch of poor terrorists, what makes it think it can stop a nuclear bomb.