President Trump


Well-Known Member


I feel for you. those ms13 rug rats you allow across the border are doing more damage to you then some Russian bogeyman you're DNC masters tell you , you should fear.
MS 13 is the republican boogyman. Plenty of white American citizens involved in gangs and domestic terrorism that never gets mentioned by Drumpf. I wonder why?
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Well-Known Member

Because helping the few helps the many. Ask Jesus.
Tax collectors were despised in his time also for putting a burden on people who saw no benefit from it. Obamacare hurt a lot more than it helped and it's flawed logic to say that's what Jesus would have wanted. You may not fix a broken system by returning it to it's prior state but if it's an improvement over the current state that's a good start.


Well-Known Member
MS 13 is the republican boogyman. Plenty of white American citizens involved in gangs and domestic terrorism that never gets mentioned by Drumpf. I wonder why?
That's what you don't seem to get. They're citizens. We have laws governing our citizens. But MS 13 members aren't citizens. They don't belong here and the crime they commit wouldn't have happened if we had had real border security. Try explaining to any parent who's lost their child to senseless crime committed by an illegal immigrant that it's no big deal if a criminal alien was allowed to roam our streets. And judging by the percentage of prisoners in federal and state prisons who are illegal immigrants we'd see a large drop in both crime and the cost to incarcerate them if we shut down the border.


Well-Known Member

Because helping the few helps the many. Ask Jesus.
Never read of anything he remotely promoted that was coerced by government dictate, please support from scripture. You opened the door, and I asked a question. It cannot be supported, and I find it offensive when anyone tries to use The Savior as a political tool. I've made it blatantly clear on this forum that I am a sinner, I'll say I am the worst here. Jesus came and died to save sinners, of whom I am chief, not to be used as a political tool.


Staff member
Never read of anything he remotely promoted that was coerced by government dictate, please support from scripture. You opened the door, and I asked a question. It cannot be supported, and I find it offensive when anyone tries to use The Savior as a political tool. I've made it blatantly clear on this forum that I am a sinner, I'll say I am the worst here. Jesus came and died to save sinners, of whom I am chief, not to be used as a political tool.
It was said tongue in cheek.

However, I do believe most Christian churches in the spirit of community would agree with my statement.


Well-Known Member
It was said tongue in cheek.

However, I do believe most Christian churches in the spirit of community would agree with my statement.
Sorry sam, and I would agree they do, however it is contrary to scripture. I'd respond more but this is not a bible study. I will say, with surety it is contrary to scripture. Hope your business has no bumps today, and field markings on growing grass are coming soon. I'ts great to have something you love, isn't it.