President Trump


Got the T-Shirt

Or, you have this genius.

This is why you should never suck on a TASER


Well-Known Member
They should be sanctioning the hell out of Russia for interfering in the election. But yet Drumpf will give them a pass.

if Obama had sanctioned the hell out of Russia then that would already be in place . why do you libs always blame repubs for things your lib leaders failed to do?


Strength through joy
My hatred of Donald Trump has been bottomless. Then my car broke down outside the Women’s March in DC.

I spent a Saturday this month at the Women’s March in Washington, D.C., and I arrived home feeling heartbroken. It was the last way I expected to feel.
My fury has been bottomless. I drink my morning coffee from a cup that says, “I hate to wake up when Donald Trump is President.” My husband and I, while reading the latest Trump news, routinely turn to each other and mutter, “I just hate him so much.” The constancy of my outrage has been exhausting, yet I have not yet found a way to quell it – nearly each day has brought a new reason to stoke the fire.
We were about 90 minutes south of D.C. when I heard a terrible popping sound. I assumed I had blown a tire and headed toward the nearest exit. The popping was followed by screeching – were we now driving on metal? Luckily, there was a gas station right off the exit and I pulled in.
Before I could do anything but park my grey Prius, a man rushed over.
It turned out that I hadn’t blown a tire; a huge piece of plastic underneath the front bumper had come loose, causing the screeching as it scraped along the road. After determining that he couldn’t cut the plastic off, he ran over to his car to grab some zip ties so that he could secure the piece back in place.
“Just ask any redneck like me what you can do with zip ties – well, zip ties and duct tape. You can solve almost any car problem. You’ll get home safe,” he said, turning to his teenage son, who had been standing nearby. “You can say that again,” his son agreed.
As I drove home, I felt the full extent to which Trump has actually diminished my own desire to be kind. He is keeping me so outraged that I hold ill will toward others on a daily basis. Trump is not just ruining our nation, he is ruining me. By the end of the drive, I felt heartbroken
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Well-Known Member
My hatred of Donald Trump has been bottomless. Then my car broke down outside the Women’s March in DC.

I spent a Saturday this month at the Women’s March in Washington, D.C., and I arrived home feeling heartbroken. It was the last way I expected to feel.
My fury has been bottomless. I drink my morning coffee from a cup that says, “I hate to wake up when Donald Trump is President.” My husband and I, while reading the latest Trump news, routinely turn to each other and mutter, “I just hate him so much.” The constancy of my outrage has been exhausting, yet I have not yet found a way to quell it – nearly each day has brought a new reason to stoke the fire.
We were about 90 minutes south of D.C. when I heard a terrible popping sound. I assumed I had blown a tire and headed toward the nearest exit. The popping was followed by screeching – were we now driving on metal? Luckily, there was a gas station right off the exit and I pulled in.
Before I could do anything but park my grey Prius, a man rushed over.
It turned out that I hadn’t blown a tire; a huge piece of plastic underneath the front bumper had come loose, causing the screeching as it scraped along the road. After determining that he couldn’t cut the plastic off, he ran over to his car to grab some zip ties so that he could secure the piece back in place.
“Just ask any redneck like me what you can do with zip ties – well, zip ties and duct tape. You can solve almost any car problem. You’ll get home safe,” he said, turning to his teenage son, who had been standing nearby. “You can say that again,” his son agreed.
As I drove home, I felt the full extent to which Trump has actually diminished my own desire to be kind. He is keeping me so outraged that I hold ill will toward others on a daily basis. Trump is not just ruining our nation, he is ruining me. By the end of the drive, I felt heartbroken
She doesn't seem to get the redneck fellow most likely voted for Trump. That people like her routinely disparage Trump voters. That people like that fellow have been pushed aside and left behind in too many places. Democrats wanting to regain power back had better address the problems of the working class instead of the problems of the nonvoting undocumented immigrants.


Staff member
She doesn't seem to get the redneck fellow most likely voted for Trump. That people like her routinely disparage Trump voters. That people like that fellow have been pushed aside and left behind in too many places. Democrats wanting to regain power back had better address the problems of the working class instead of the problems of the nonvoting undocumented immigrants.
I have a redneck friend just like this guy (better mechanic probably) and I just wish Trump would stop screwing them over.


Well-Known Member
My hatred of Donald Trump has been bottomless. Then my car broke down outside the Women’s March in DC.

I spent a Saturday this month at the Women’s March in Washington, D.C., and I arrived home feeling heartbroken. It was the last way I expected to feel.
My fury has been bottomless. I drink my morning coffee from a cup that says, “I hate to wake up when Donald Trump is President.” My husband and I, while reading the latest Trump news, routinely turn to each other and mutter, “I just hate him so much.” The constancy of my outrage has been exhausting, yet I have not yet found a way to quell it – nearly each day has brought a new reason to stoke the fire.
We were about 90 minutes south of D.C. when I heard a terrible popping sound. I assumed I had blown a tire and headed toward the nearest exit. The popping was followed by screeching – were we now driving on metal? Luckily, there was a gas station right off the exit and I pulled in.
Before I could do anything but park my grey Prius, a man rushed over.
It turned out that I hadn’t blown a tire; a huge piece of plastic underneath the front bumper had come loose, causing the screeching as it scraped along the road. After determining that he couldn’t cut the plastic off, he ran over to his car to grab some zip ties so that he could secure the piece back in place.
“Just ask any redneck like me what you can do with zip ties – well, zip ties and duct tape. You can solve almost any car problem. You’ll get home safe,” he said, turning to his teenage son, who had been standing nearby. “You can say that again,” his son agreed.
As I drove home, I felt the full extent to which Trump has actually diminished my own desire to be kind. He is keeping me so outraged that I hold ill will toward others on a daily basis. Trump is not just ruining our nation, he is ruining me. By the end of the drive, I felt heartbroken

Am I reading this right?
She is a bitch, and it's Trump's fault?


Well-Known Member
Here. We'll take away your $15000 healthcare subsidy and you can keep $2000.

Can you explain how that's a good deal?
The people getting $15k in a subsidy weren't paying enough in taxes to get $2000 back. Or even $200. Why do you insist on hurting the many to help the few? And Cadillac plan help at that.


Nine Lives
Here. We'll take away your $15000 healthcare subsidy and you can keep $2000.

Can you explain how that's a good deal?

Good for 310 million. 96%
Not so good for 13 million. 4%

Can you do the math?

More people in the ER. I can do the math. Can you?
I know libs don't like math (according to Katy Tur on MSNBC) but that's the only rational & objective explanation I can think of.