President Trump

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
she is insane......get the straight jacket ready!!
Waters, Pelosi , Shifty Schiff .......Mo you gotta move out of that crazy state.....Now they want to ban straws and fine waiters and waitresses for giving them to you. Lets make a deal you move here and will trade Crooked Menendez and Corey Booger to California. Crazy Bernie can go too


Staff member
Waters, Pelosi , Shifty Schiff .......Mo you gotta move out of that crazy state.....Now they want to ban straws and fine waiters and waitresses for giving them to you. Lets make a deal you move here and will trade Crooked Menendez and Corey Booger to California. Crazy Bernie can go too
And the "crazies" are the ones defending the FBI and Justice Department. Y'all have lost your minds.

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
Oh that is right Adam Schiff said that the American people will not be able to understand the document (memo) I guess we are all stupid according to Mr. Schiff. They are not protecting the agencies they are protecting themselves. The former administration weaponized those agencies and now it is all coming home to roost.


Oh that is right Adam Schiff said that the American people will not be able to understand the document (memo) I guess we are all stupid according to Mr. Schiff. They are not protecting the agencies they are protecting themselves. The former administration weaponized those agencies and now it is all coming home to roost.
Thx for the expert analysis, Alex Jones.


Staff member
How so ? The political hacks at the top of those departments stink on ice. Not the rank and file .
Political hacks? If that's the case, why won't Nunes show the entire body of work? The FBI and DOJ are on record as saying this is intentionally misleading and dangerous. He's been a hack of the highest order for Trump since day one.

My own feeling is that most of the country will shrug their shoulders and say, "Yeah. Well what did you think would happen when they passed the Patriot Act?"


Staff member
Oh that is right Adam Schiff said that the American people will not be able to understand the document (memo) I guess we are all stupid according to Mr. Schiff. They are not protecting the agencies they are protecting themselves. The former administration weaponized those agencies and now it is all coming home to roost.
If the American people can understand parts, they can understand the whole.

Oh. And that FISA process was recently reapproved without changes. How much do republicans really care about spying on Americans?

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
If the American people can understand parts, they can understand the whole.

Oh. And that FISA process was recently reapproved without changes. How much do republicans really care about spying on Americans?
I agree on the re-approval of the FISA process I would like to know why they did it without amendment if the memo is so damming. Hopefully we will see tomorrow. Americans should care about the government spying on us.
Nunes's memo was gone over by 5 FBI people yesterday with their ok, contrary to their statement prior. Again without rhetoric I ask why are the democrats so against it's release? To protect the core agencies I do not think so.


I agree on the re-approval of the FISA process I would like to know why they did it without amendment if the memo is so damming. Hopefully we will see tomorrow. Americans should care about the government spying on us.
Nunes's memo was gone over by 5 FBI people yesterday with their ok, contrary to their statement prior. Again without rhetoric I ask why are the democrats so against it's release? To protect the core agencies I do not think so.
Sorry Alex the FBI didn't sign off on the memo.
FBI director prepared to issue rebuttal if Nunes memo released, Fran Townsend says


Staff member
I agree on the re-approval of the FISA process I would like to know why they did it without amendment if the memo is so damming. Hopefully we will see tomorrow. Americans should care about the government spying on us.
Nunes's memo was gone over by 5 FBI people yesterday with their ok, contrary to their statement prior. Again without rhetoric I ask why are the democrats so against it's release? To protect the core agencies I do not think so.
Why release only portions? In law, that would be akin to suppressing exculpatory evidence. And not exculpatory for the Democrats but for the FBI.

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
I stand corrected
Sources said the edited version was shown to five FBI officials at the White House on Tuesday afternoon. Sources said the officials were satisfied that the edited memo addressed concerns they had about the earlier version they reviewed on Monday.

Yet, in a rare and surprising rebuke, an FBI statement was released on Wednesday asserting they had “grave concerns about material omissions of fact that fundamentally impact the memo’s accuracy.”

A source familiar with the memo said the edits included some addressing grammar and clarity, as well as an edit done at the request of the FBI and another at the request of committee Democrats. The source challenged Schiff’s claims, saying the edits were made before the memo went to the White House.

PS Did I call you names ? Makaveli’s lyrics and his passion mirrored his beliefs, values of being a thug


nowhere special
I stand corrected
Sources said the edited version was shown to five FBI officials at the White House on Tuesday afternoon. Sources said the officials were satisfied that the edited memo addressed concerns they had about the earlier version they reviewed on Monday.

Yet, in a rare and surprising rebuke, an FBI statement was released on Wednesday asserting they had “grave concerns about material omissions of fact that fundamentally impact the memo’s accuracy.”

A source familiar with the memo said the edits included some addressing grammar and clarity, as well as an edit done at the request of the FBI and another at the request of committee Democrats. The source challenged Schiff’s claims, saying the edits were made before the memo went to the White House.

PS Did I call you names ? Makaveli’s lyrics and his passion mirrored his beliefs, values of being a thug

FBI and the Dems want all the names redacted to protect the guilty.


I stand corrected
Sources said the edited version was shown to five FBI officials at the White House on Tuesday afternoon. Sources said the officials were satisfied that the edited memo addressed concerns they had about the earlier version they reviewed on Monday.

Yet, in a rare and surprising rebuke, an FBI statement was released on Wednesday asserting they had “grave concerns about material omissions of fact that fundamentally impact the memo’s accuracy.”

A source familiar with the memo said the edits included some addressing grammar and clarity, as well as an edit done at the request of the FBI and another at the request of committee Democrats. The source challenged Schiff’s claims, saying the edits were made before the memo went to the White House.

PS Did I call you names ? Makaveli’s lyrics and his passion mirrored his beliefs, values of being a thug
FBI director prepared to issue rebuttal if Nunes memo released, Fran Townsend says
The FBI issued a statement Wednesday that they have "grave concerns" about the memo and the "material omissions of fact that fundamentally impact the memo's accuracy."
"I think we have to remember the Nunes memo is an advocacy piece. It's not a fact piece. This is Chairman Nunes' summary of what he believes the abuses are. For that reason, it's one-sided," Townsend said.

Townsend, who spent 13 years at the Justice Department, said it's simply "not possible" for one partisan actor to push through a FISA warrant or to obtain one based on a single piece of evidence.

"There's multiple internal reviews in the FBI, there's a legal review at the Justice Department, it goes to the attorney general, or in this case, the deputy who reviews it and then it goes to an independent federal judge who looks at it. No FISA warrant relies on a single piece of evidence. So if the allegation from Chairman Nunes is that they relied solely on the Steele dossier, that's not possible. It never happens," she said.


Staff member
FBI director prepared to issue rebuttal if Nunes memo released, Fran Townsend says
The FBI issued a statement Wednesday that they have "grave concerns" about the memo and the "material omissions of fact that fundamentally impact the memo's accuracy."
"I think we have to remember the Nunes memo is an advocacy piece. It's not a fact piece. This is Chairman Nunes' summary of what he believes the abuses are. For that reason, it's one-sided," Townsend said.

Townsend, who spent 13 years at the Justice Department, said it's simply "not possible" for one partisan actor to push through a FISA warrant or to obtain one based on a single piece of evidence.

"There's multiple internal reviews in the FBI, there's a legal review at the Justice Department, it goes to the attorney general, or in this case, the deputy who reviews it and then it goes to an independent federal judge who looks at it. No FISA warrant relies on a single piece of evidence. So if the allegation from Chairman Nunes is that they relied solely on the Steele dossier, that's not possible. It never happens," she said.
:censored2: facts!!!


golden ticket member
Waters, Pelosi , Shifty Schiff .......Mo you gotta move out of that crazy state.....Now they want to ban straws and fine waiters and waitresses for giving them to you. Lets make a deal you move here and will trade Crooked Menendez and Corey Booger to California. Crazy Bernie can go too
I live in the very southern portion....lots of GOP here......You can't beat this weather.......I'm staying. Hoag Hospital too!