President Trump


Well-Known Member
No actually I'm not, I merely gave good advice on how to avoid being placed in her position.
The fact is it is her fault that the truth is not known. You keep calling her a victim, she has made allegations, and offered no proof. Pictures do not count unless they are a part of a police report.
To be truthful lets call her exactly what she is, an alleged victim. Didn't want to go anyplace close to this, but you guys couldn't accept the advice and agree that it made sense.
So here we are playing the blame game.

I blame her inaction as the reason no one knows the truth.
If the guy smacked her around do I blame her for that? Absolutely not.
The final fact is only two people know the truth.
I will note in the article she did name it "MY TRUTH," well truth doesn't work that way. Truth is truth, and it stands on it's own two feet for all.

One would have to wonder just how big a role religion played in the whole sordid tale.


Well-Known Member
not suprising.

the liberals who solely freak out about russia are probably the same ones who vote clinton and obama and these other fraud liberals.

Public Citizen‏Verified account @Public_Citizen

More than a quarter of Donald Trump's international business deals involve a partner who has been investigated, charged, or convicted of a serious crime.
Donald Trump was a New York City real estate developer. It's a wonder all his partners weren't charged with something at one time or another.


Well-Known Member
Donald Trump was a New York City real estate developer. It's a wonder all his partners weren't charged with something at one time or another.
i dont buy that.

i think its more of a reflection of his lack of moral character than anything else.

but its ok, america has had mostly rich immoral people as president anyways.


Just a turd