President Trump


Staff member
Mueller adds new tax, bank fraud charges against Manafort, Gates

The new indictment accuses Manafort and Gates of dramatically understating their income on federal tax returns filed from 2010 through 2014.

Now wait a minute , What does this have to do with impeaching Trump ?
Sounds like a thorough investigation to me. Maybe Manafort gets to choose between cooperating or spending the rest of his life in prison?

Gotta admit, with his past dealings for the Kremlin...and then the campaign....

What do you think? Will Manafort go down to protect Trump? I think he will if Putin tells him to.


Well-Known Member
""For an innocent man, Drumpf sure does act guilty""
Care to expound? Support your claim. Guilty of what? Unfounded opinion until you provide legitimate acts. Nice hit and run. Your post was a worthless pile of bsbullf.gif, unless you support it.


Nine Lives
Care to expound? Support your claim. Guilty of what? Unfounded opinion until you provide legitimate acts. Nice hit and run. Your post was a worthless pile of View attachment 182017, unless you support it.
He didn’t say Trump was guilty ... just that he acts guilty.
On which I happen to agree with Iwftd.
Trump is a very insecure person which is not necessarily bad. It has driven him to accomplish a hundred times more than anyone posting in Current Events.


Well-Known Member
He didn’t say Trump was guilty ... just that he acts guilty.
On which I happen to agree with Iwftd
I understood, the same goes to you then, How does he act guilty? I was simply asking which allegation of guilt was he responding to and support Trumps response to each claim. As simple as I can make it, How is Trump acting guilty pertaining to anything? Legitimate question, I'm just trying to gauge what one bases these opinions.


Nine Lives
I understood, the same goes to you then, How does he act guilty? I was simply asking which allegation of guilt was he responding to and support Trumps response to each claim. As simple as I can make it, How is Trump acting guilty pertaining to anything? Legitimate question, I'm just trying to gauge what one bases these opinions.
He acts guilty by overreacting to any accusation.
Police will tell you they observe how people react to a question or accusation and observe the persons body reactions.
Trump reacts way too much and appears to be hiding something.
I am 99% sure he is innocent of all the stuff he is accused of but his reactions makes one wonder.


Well-Known Member
He acts guilty by overreacting to any accusation.
Police will tell you they observe how people react to a question or accusation and observe the persons body reactions.
Trump reacts way too much and appears to be hiding something.
I am 99% sure he is innocent of all the stuff he is accused of but his reactions makes one wonder.
Thanks for your view, I just think he is a counter- puncher, just my opinion.


Nine Lives
[QUOTE="ImWaitingForTheDay, post: 3377049, member: 48031]You don't keep up with news?[/QUOTE]
Depends on whether it is news you make up, news CNN makes up or news FOX makes up.


Well-Known Member
I think we may agree it’s just his observable personality.
I think he makes off the wall statements just to invite incoming fire only to put himself in the place to slap the attackers silly. Sly like a fox, uses the perception of many that he is not intelligent to his benefit. Just an observation, my opinion.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
I think he makes off the wall statements just to invite incoming fire only to put himself in the place to slap the attackers silly. Sly like a fox, uses the perception of many that he is not intelligent to his benefit. Just an observation, my opinion.
But wait! Drumpf was cheating on his wife with evangelical porno queens and playboy bunnies!