President Trump

El Correcto

god is dead
About the same opinion I have about my taxes being used to pay for the murder of innocent civilians in the middle east. It is what it is.
Then why are you against what I’m saying? Why flaming me about murder of innocent people? Because I believe the one of the original intents of the federal government was to raise armies and your taxes should absolutely go towards said armies. Are you so naive that you believe you know what is actually going on in the Middle East with zero security clearance. I think there is good reason we haven’t pulled out and expanded the war. What politician wouldn’t want to end the war and bring our troops home, then grandstand on that for next election cycle.


Inordinately Right
Then why are you against what I’m saying?
When did I say I was?
Because I believe the one of the original intents of the federal government was to raise armies and your taxes should absolutely go towards said armies.
I believe original intent was a non interventionist foreign policy. Trade with all, alliance with none. Being there makes us less safe as a country.
Are you so naive that you believe you know what is actually going on in the Middle East with zero security clearance. I think there is good reason we haven’t pulled out and expanded the war.
So you think the federal government has our best interest in mind and we should blindly trust them.... hmmm.

El Correcto

god is dead
When did I say I was?

I believe original intent was a non interventionist foreign policy. Trade with all, alliance with none. Being there makes us less safe as a country.

So you think the federal government has our best interest in mind and we should blindly trust them.... hmmm.
You’re quick to mark my responses as creative and then tell me I’m wrong by saying there is no difference between taxes and ACA. I explained there are different kinds of taxes some of which are very different from ACA.

With that mind set you wouldn’t of supported the European effort to stop the nazis and even traded/supported their war effort.

I think I don’t know what’s going on in the Middle East. I don’t know was intel they showed obama to make him back off on pulling out, I’ve never attacked the man for not pulling out of there. Even though I believe it was a campaign promise.


Inordinately Right
I explained there are different kinds of taxes some of which are very different from ACA.
No you didn't. You explained your opinion on how taxes should be used.
With that mind set you wouldn’t of supported the European effort to stop the nazis and even traded/supported their war effort.
I’ve never attacked the man for not pulling out of there.
I have.
Even though I believe it was a campaign promise.
Ya it was one of many nice things to say that were actually meaningless. Bush set the withdrawal date, Obama waited for it. As commander in chief he's responsible for the deaths.


Well-Known Member
Just advocating personal responsibility. .

ah so now you're coming around to my way of thinking. personal responsibility includes busting your ass to earn your keep and then paying for your own insurance. Or busting your ass to keep a job that provides you with good health insurance.


Inordinately Right
ah so now you're coming around to my way of thinking. personal responsibility includes busting your ass to earn your keep and then paying for your own insurance. Or busting your ass to keep a job that provides you with good health insurance.
Makes no sense.
The entire concept of insurance is for people not using it to pay for people who are.
You're applying "personal responsibility" to the premiums for something that is fundamentally the opposite of personal responsibility.

Take some personal responsibility, save up and pay out of pocket. None of this hippie commie insurance stuff for a big personal responsibility guy like you!

El Correcto

god is dead
No you didn't. You explained your opinion on how taxes should be used.


I have.

Ya it was one of many nice things to say that were actually meaningless. Bush set the withdrawal date, Obama waited for it. As commander in chief he's responsible for the deaths.
Yes I did. Local vs Federal, ACA compared to local is tyranny and even compared to some federal is overstepping it’s bounds.

I’m not sayin isolationist stance wouldn’t be refreshing I’m just pointing out how we got on this interventionist slide.

So you don’t think Obama had good reason to back off his campaign promise. You don’t think the man would of loved to bring our troops home and grandstand on that. Personally I think Obama was top five worse president in history. But I don’t think he wanted the deaths of innocent people and to prolong a war for selfish reasons.
I honestly think Gary Johnson is naive when it comes to pulling out. I don’t think he would of when seeing the intel it would of been another obama.


Well-Known Member
lots of things aren't in the constitution genius
it's not a list of government powers, it's a list of limitations on government power.
read your constitution

you didn't read your constitution. complete your homework assignment before you try to argue.
this is going to be a little more difficult for you then just sneaking around with a red X :censored2:.


Well-Known Member
lots of things aren't in the constitution genius
it's not a list of government powers, it's a list of limitations on government power.
read your constitution
here :censored2:

1) Defense, war prosecution, peace, foreign relations, foreign commerce, and interstate commerce;

2) The protection of citizens’ constitutional rights (e.g the right to vote) and ensuring that slavery remains illegal;

3) Establishing federal courts inferior to the SCOTUS;

4) Copyright protection;

5) Coining money;

6) Establishing post offices and post roads;

7) Establishing a national set of universal weights and measures;