President Trump


Staff member
yep he pokes her once and now she's a liberal patron of virtue to be idiolized by all you snowflakes.
of course you liberals believe her , there may not be a liberal with higher morals or ethics then a porn star.
The two deserve each other.

She sure has the big, bad POTUS scared!


Staff member
yea he looked terrified today as he bragged about the progress he is making with Japan and North Korea

you have any other fantasies you are chasing?
Oh he brags alright.

About everything except Stormy Daniels and standing up to Putin. He’s noticeably silent on those topics.


Inordinately Right
Yes, it was pretty impressive speech. He sure got ole Kim in line quick
Well ya sure.
All the guy ever wanted was for everyone to ignore his human rights and international law violations, and meet and recognize him as a legitimate leader on the world stage.

Trump's giving him everything he wants, what's not to like?


Well-Known Member
Lulz, the Iran deal is working.

Now Trump is having another Twitter-seizure saying he’ll back away from talks with NK.

It sucks when Kim-Jong-whatever is the adult in the room.

yea it worked so well it drove Iran out of Syria and a dozen other countries. stop hogging the weed I want to see what you're seeing.


Well-Known Member
Well ya sure.
All the guy ever wanted was for everyone to ignore his human rights and international law violations, and meet and recognize him as a legitimate leader on the world stage.

Trump's giving him everything he wants, what's not to like?
Do you think we should try throwing $150 Billion at him like Obama did with Iran? Get his cooperation the old fashion way?