President Trump


Well-Known Member
just think you guys used to have some high quality fantasies to chase with that Russian thing. Now you're relegated to genuflecting at the feet of some crotch rot ridden porn star. Oh how you mighty snowflakes have fallen.
Turn on the news.

Cohen = Russia

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Why is that?
Listening to Dumpsta Phunk doing great covers of Red Hot Chili Peppers.

Now I’m listening to Dark Star Orchestra doing Grateful Dead covers. Next to the Ferris bueller wheel ...



Well-Known Member
just think you guys used to have some high quality fantasies to chase with that Russian thing. Now you're relegated to genuflecting at the feet of some crotch rot ridden porn star. Oh how you mighty snowflakes have fallen.


Basically, you're a 'shill', look it up.

The fact that you continue to defend 'The Donald', the 'Ernest Hemingway of Twitter' in light of everything happening says volumes about your integrity.

I'll give you points for consistency, but you're betting on a losing horse.

Also, GFU.


Well-Known Member

Basically, you're a 'shill', look it up.

The fact that you continue to defend 'The Donald', the 'Ernest Hemingway of Twitter' in light of everything happening says volumes about your integrity.

I'll give you points for consistency, but you're betting on a losing horse.

Also, GFU.

maybe a shrill as in shrill with laughter watching you guys suddenly idiolize a :censored2: bag porn star.

The democratic party fighting to make sure porn stars don't get screwed. you guys really know how to pick your battles.


Staff member
maybe a shrill as in shrill with laughter watching you guys suddenly idiolize a :censored2: bag porn star.

The democratic party fighting to make sure porn stars don't get screwed. you guys really know how to pick your battles.
You seem to idolize a bully president who has been silenced by that porn star.

Who woulda thunk.

And conservative evangelicals still back him. What a country!