President Trump


Bad Moon Risen'
Do you go around telling others who your lawyer is??
These are mine.


Well-Known Member
Wow, that disproves Trump's racism how exactly? He has Ben Carson in his cabinet. He has a black Surgeon General. So why would this prove anything.

Trump is a racist, who repeatedly retweets Nazis and white supremacists, In fact, trump retweeted a racist phony tweet about race and crime, trump also said that some Nazis and white supremacists, at that racist Charlottesville rally where white supremacists killed a person, were good people, he was sued by the DOJ for discrimination against black renters, he he was reported to have said he doesn't want black people counting his money, he only wants Jewish people, he called Haiti and African nations crap holes and said we don't want immigrants from there we want immigrants from Norway, he called Mexican immigrants rapists and criminals, he said a judge couldn't decide his case because he was Mexican, he tried to ban Muslim immigration, he lied and said muslim Americans from around the nation celebrated on 9/11.
Those are all racist acts and promoting 3 black people in his administration means nothing in the face of those acts.


Well-Known Member
You make blanket statements about Republicans that just don't hold up under scrutiny. You can obfuscate all you want, Democrats use race to divide us and obtain votes. It's poisoning the country, and may be about too late to repair the damage.
It's irreparable, the damage cannot be repaired.