President Trump


Well-Known Member
You refuse to believe anything I say anyway.

It’s weird. It’s like no matter how much evidence piles up, you’ll insist on defending everything about a man who built his entire wealth on screwing people over.

As well documented as that is, you still claim you’ve found a great leader. Whatever.
What evidence?


Staff member
You would think the Dems would at least recognize that Donald is trying with NOKO and getting further than Hillary, Kerry or Obama.....they all just kicked the can for 8 years.
The Dems have their heads in the sand of collusion with Russia and losing the election of 2 years ago. They need something for an agenda.
You are saying that Trump CONCEDING to sit down with North Korea after all his tough talk is somehow getting further than anyone in modern history.

That’s ridiculous.


golden ticket member
You are saying that Trump CONCEDING to sit down with North Korea after all his tough talk is somehow getting further than anyone in modern history.

That’s ridiculous.
When did Hillary meet with NOKO?
When did Kerry meet with NOKO?
When did Obama meet with NOKO?


Well-Known Member
Obama can do no wrong in some people's eyes. He spent 8 years ruining things with the regulations and such. I hope he got some red crayons for his retirement so he can practice drawing red lines.

Obama provided healthcare to millions who were previously uninsured.

Obama laid the groundwork for our booming economy and Wall St records.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
What is ridiculous is him sending his wife to the funeral while he sat at home and played keyboard warrior on Twitter.

You want to know why,Drumpf insisted that the eulogy begin, "Friends, Americans and Countrymen, we come not to praise Barbara Bush, but to praise Dotard Drumpf...".
That's when the Bushes refused, he chose not to attend.