President Trump


Well-Known Member
I voted for him because he is a bully. Nice change from the pusillanimous we had the last 8 years.
He's not a bully, he is not afraid to defend himself, and the ideals the citizens that voted for him believe in and then hit back much harder. It is refreshing to have a president that is a fighter for our side.

Thank you President Trump



Basically, you're a 'shill', look it up.

The fact that you continue to defend 'The Donald', the 'Ernest Hemingway of Twitter' in light of everything happening says volumes about your integrity.

I'll give you points for consistency, but you're betting on a losing horse.

Also, GFU.
anyone who uses buzzword rhetoric like "snow flake" is an obvious idiot and troll, not to be taken seriously.


Well-Known Member
anyone who uses buzzword rhetoric like "snow flake" is an obvious idiot and troll, not to be taken seriously.
Are pansies and useful idiots acceptable adjectives to describe these mindless limp-wristed crybabies? Please excuse me, I'm only searching for acceptable words that pass muster for the aforementioned "snow flakes."


golden ticket member
View it as you might, I respect a man that will defend himself and fight with all that is witin himself. Real women love the smell of testosterone as well, so I rate that as a major plus also. :ninja3::thumbup1::2guns:. Hope you have a great weekend biggun.:thumbup:
Don't kid yourself.......real women love the smell of vanilla or sandalwood or lemon!!!


Well-Known Member
Don't kid yourself.......real women love the smell of vanilla or sandalwood or lemon!!!
I should have added a qualifier, You know what I mean. I like a tuff woman also, no one respects a person that can be walked on, they just use them. Have a great weekend More.