President Trump


Well-Known Member
Because of semen back up since he can't sexually assault women anymore because he is under a microscope?

Its amazing how you snowflakes try to thread both sides of the issue. One minute he's a rutting whore monger the next he's accused of having blue balls due to inactivity.

all good go back to fantasizing about Donalds junk .


Just a turd
but to make that argument you showed a picture of a hard working peasant woman working hard in her fields. not too bright
Why do you assume she is hard working?
Is there dirt on her clothes?
Is there sweat on her brow?
Can you tell if her hands are calloused?
You just assume she is because you are too lazy than to look for the truth on a matter. Certainly explains you fall for Trump's superficial bull:censored2:


Well-Known Member
Why do you assume she is hard working?
Is there dirt on her clothes?
Is there sweat on her brow?
Can you tell if her hands are calloused?
You just assume she is because you are too lazy than to look for the truth on a matter. Certainly explains you fall for Trump's superficial bull:censored2:

good point she's not Spanish or you libs would swear she was working 20 hours a day.