President Trump

El Correcto

god is dead
What does that have to do with you eating a dick, fatty.

That's what your wife does to me!



Staff member
Or just say, "You work for me, GFYerself, by the way, YOUR"E FIRED."
Why not turn the whole justice system around?
Because the justice department doesn’t work for the president. That whole “deep state” conspiracy you see is just the “checks and balances” of a representative republic.

El Correcto

god is dead
Because the justice department doesn’t work for the president. That whole “deep state” conspiracy you see is just the “checks and balances” of a representative republic.
I guess you could argue they work for the american people, but at the end of the day that’s an executive branch, the president can fire his attorney general and put someone in that will do everything he says to do. Presidents are hesitant because of Archibald and that whole Nixon thing.


Staff member
I guess you could argue they work for the american people, but at the end of the day that’s an executive branch, the president can fire his attorney general and put someone in that will do everything he says to do. Presidents are hesitant because of Archibald and that whole Nixon thing.
But from its inception, the justice department was meant to be independent of the executive.


Well-Known Member
Because the justice department doesn’t work for the president. That whole “deep state” conspiracy you see is just the “checks and balances” of a representative republic.
Leaking phony info to the Press to instigate a special prosecutor is hardly "checks and balances."


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
Leaking phony info to the Press to instigate a special prosecutor is hardly "checks and balances."
I am so tired of these cheap manipulations by this administration. They project their level of stupidity onto us and think we are dumb enough to believe :censored2: like Mueller leaked these questions?
Yeah... just keep talking, Just. Keep. Talking.