President Trump


Well-Known Member
Mueller's only hope is to trip up Trump on something he says. So Trump should tell Mueller to pound sand about those questions. If he has any evidence prove it.
Never speak to the serpent, Trump just likes to talk, which has proven to be good in most instances, this however is a different turf. Only my opinion. Trump never tells someone to pound sand, he has a different way of saying it, and that is exactly what they are hoping for. That wouldn't be Brown Cafe where nothing matters.


Staff member
He's not screwed if he doesn't talk to Mueller, if he talked to him, and Mueller was interested in the truth, he still wouldn't be screwed. Currently it appears to me, the only one's screwed are you and your like minded bend overs. News Flash, when you wake up in the morning Trump is still your president. Simmer and stew. You got that?
Mueller doesn’t need Trump to talk. I doubt that Trump can help himself though. Mueller sprinkled loose ends out there and now Trump’s brain is spinning out of control.

Mueller knows what Trump knows. Trump doesn’t know what Mueller knows.

As Ron White said and the president has proven, “I have the right to remain silent but I do not have the ability.”


Well-Known Member
Mueller has leaked like a sieve. Too many could only have come from people involved in his investigation.


My impression was Mueller has been a hard-A about leaks.

Perhaps we partake in differing media sources.

It’s a valid question though, who benefits from the leak?

It’s not clear to me that Mueller’s investigation has any logistical reason to leak this, and/or leak this now.

It’s also not clear to me exactly why someone in Trump’s orbit would leak this, although there are other examples of Trump staffers leaking to the NYT, CNN, or FOX, because they know it will get his attention.

It’s a pickle.


Staff member

My impression was Mueller has been a hard-A about leaks.

Perhaps we partake in differing media sources.

It’s a valid question though, who benefits from the leak?

It’s not clear to me that Mueller’s investigation has any logistical reason to leak this, and/or leak this now.

It’s also not clear to me exactly why someone in Trump’s orbit would leak this, although there are other examples of Trump staffers leaking to the NYT, CNN, or FOX, because they know it will get his attention.

It’s a pickle.
90% of the questions have been in the news over the last year. Mueller can either take what Trump and his people have said as truth or the president can set the record straight under oath.

What’s the old adage? The prosecutor doesn’t ask questions that he doesn’t already know the answers to.

I think the Donald won’t be sleeping well.


Well-Known Member
He's not screwed if he doesn't talk to Mueller, if he talked to him, and Mueller was interested in the truth, he still wouldn't be screwed. Currently it appears to me, the only one's screwed are you and your like minded bend overs. News Flash, when you wake up in the morning Trump is still your president. Simmer and stew. You got that?

You’re funny.

I think you care more about how I care about Trump than I actually care about Trump.

Look man, I listened to eight years of nonsense from the anti-Obama crowd, and it was fine.

Obama didn’t destroy the country.

If we have eight years of Trump, that’s just what it will be.

Trump won’t destroy the country either.

I gotta say though, you’re really posting like a B.

A real Kool-Aid B.

You remind me of TOS, for whom Obama or Hillary could do no wrong. You defend Trump at all avenues, even when he lies or does stupid sht, which is often.

Take out the Kool-Aid drip, open your eyes, and stop acting like a drooling zombie.



Well-Known Member
Mueller doesn’t need Trump to talk. I doubt that Trump can help himself though. Mueller sprinkled loose ends out there and now Trump’s brain is spinning out of control.

Mueller knows what Trump knows. Trump doesn’t know what Mueller knows.

As Ron White said and the president has proven, “I have the right to remain silent but I do not have the ability.”
My turn, you noted what Mueller knows, I'll offer that's debatable. I will further offer you don't know sht. It's all wishful thinking.


Well-Known Member
He's not screwed if he doesn't talk to Mueller, if he talked to him, and Mueller was interested in the truth, he still wouldn't be screwed. Currently it appears to me, the only one's screwed are you and your like minded bend overs. News Flash, when you wake up in the morning Trump is still your president. Simmer and stew. You got that?
If he doesn't agree to be interviewed he will be subpoenaed and if he then takes the 5th.......

Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.
If he doesn't agree to be interviewed he will be subpoenaed and if he then takes the 5th.......


Meanwhile, Netanyahu stands on stage and argues the “100,000 files” prop behind him provides ample evidence of Iran’s wrongdoing and conservatives eat it up! No indictments, no subpoenas. Just theatrical props. LOL


Well-Known Member
That would go well.

I wonder why someone in Trump’s orbit would leak this to the NYT?

Snowflake Trump’s ego is massive - he doesn’t seem to want to listen to his lawyers, maybe they leaked to get him to pay attention.

He’s screwed if he talks to Mueller, he’s screwed if he doesn’t talk to Mueller, this is like a slow-motion pileup on the highway.

Fn hilarious.

maybe they wanted to show what a witch hunt circus this has become. Nahh. that does not fit your snowflake narrative. proceed with the whining.


Well-Known Member
Mueller's only hope is to trip up Trump on something he says. So Trump should tell Mueller to pound sand about those questions. If he has any evidence prove it.

that's what I would do. he's the president. I would meet Mueller and verbally beat the snot out of him as only Trump the gangsta can do.


Well-Known Member

Meanwhile, Netanyahu stands on stage and argues the “100,000 files” prop behind him provides ample evidence of Iran’s wrongdoing and conservatives eat it up! No indictments, no subpoenas. Just theatrical props. LOL

which conservatives are you speaking for? The less middle east action the better for me.

I don't however mind Netie standing up and pointing out that iran is what we all know it is , the lead terrorist organization in the middle east.

perhaps you were suggesting we should all put on dresses and look the other way? The Obama doctrine in practice?


Well-Known Member
If you are intent on that “Yeah but Obama...” nonsense, why don’t you go to the Obama thread where I’m certain it was discussed.

you didn't like me pointing out your hypocrisy? Did you need some time in the snowflake closet or is it a crying closet now?


Well-Known Member
I never made the claim, the claims I have made are here for all to retrieve, unlike a certain former Secretary of State. I might note mine haven't been subpoenaed. Mueller has nothing on Trump, period. I'll continue to wait as you, for different reasons, and expected outcomes. Keep anticipating however sam.