President Trump


Well-Known Member
Incorrect, name one legal hazard.

Either M. Cohen is Trump’s lawyer or he isn’t.

Trump says ‘he doesn’t really do anything for me, etc.’. OK.

Giulianni says, ‘oh yah, Cohen is just taking care of his client’, aside from the fact that lawyers can’t legally act this way, but, OK.

Now the story is that Cohen got paid out of a ‘slush fund’ to reimburse Cohen’s payment to Stormy...OoooK?

Backtracking on that, Trump says Rudy is new, getting up to speed, and he’ll get his facts straight...Ummmmmkay???

Legal jeopardies mostly include campaign finance violations, normally a fine, but Trump is twisting this around to such an extent that we’re verging on felony territory.

What’s funny is that Mueller’s investigation isn’t about Cohen - that was passed off to NY attorneys.

Trump needs to STFU, he’s trying to be his own lawyer and it’s going to end poorly for him.

Guy, he’s changed his story about four times...

You don’t find that problematic?


Well-Known Member
Either M. Cohen is Trump’s lawyer or he isn’t.

Trump says ‘he doesn’t really do anything for me, etc.’. OK.

Giulianni says, ‘oh yah, Cohen is just taking care of his client’, aside from the fact that lawyers can’t legally act this way, but, OK.

Now the story is that Cohen got paid out of a ‘slush fund’ to reimburse Cohen’s payment to Stormy...OoooK?

Backtracking on that, Trump says Rudy is new, getting up to speed, and he’ll get his facts straight...Ummmmmkay???

Legal jeopardies mostly include campaign finance violations, normally a fine, but Trump is twisting this around to such an extent that we’re verging on felony territory.

What’s funny is that Mueller’s investigation isn’t about Cohen - that was passed off to NY attorneys.

Trump needs to STFU, he’s trying to be his own lawyer and it’s going to end poorly for him.

Guy, he’s changed his story about four times...

You don’t find that problematic?
As usual, you are clueless. Problematic politically, possibly. That is the extent of his exposure.


Well-Known Member

I’m simply repeating Trump’s own words.

Get a clue.
Trump can say anything he likes until he's under oath. At worst it's a campaign finance violation resulting in a fine. It's amazing that y'all go on about Trump like you've just caught Osama bin Laden and shrug about Hillary and Bill raking in over 100 million giving speeches and covering up just what was given for that money while risking national security too. We know for a fact she broke laws but you ho-hum about that while hollering that Trump acts guilty of something. We'll find something eventually! And act like he's the biggest scandal since Watergate while Dems trying to get him impeached is actually bigger than Watergate. Seriously, what planet are you from? Did your mothers drop all of you on your heads? Amazing!


Well-Known Member
Either M. Cohen is Trump’s lawyer or he isn’t.

Trump says ‘he doesn’t really do anything for me, etc.’. OK.

Giulianni says, ‘oh yah, Cohen is just taking care of his client’, aside from the fact that lawyers can’t legally act this way, but, OK.

Now the story is that Cohen got paid out of a ‘slush fund’ to reimburse Cohen’s payment to Stormy...OoooK?

Backtracking on that, Trump says Rudy is new, getting up to speed, and he’ll get his facts straight...Ummmmmkay???

Legal jeopardies mostly include campaign finance violations, normally a fine, but Trump is twisting this around to such an extent that we’re verging on felony territory.

What’s funny is that Mueller’s investigation isn’t about Cohen - that was passed off to NY attorneys.

Trump needs to STFU, he’s trying to be his own lawyer and it’s going to end poorly for him.

Guy, he’s changed his story about four times...

You don’t find that problematic?
He's embarrassed about the Stormy Daniels brief affair as well as other affairs. This isn't a Watergate cover-up. He looks bad, and most likely hurt his wife. Has absolutely nothing to do with Russians and until he lies under oath he hasn't done anything that rises to the level of impeachment.
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It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Trump can say anything he likes until he's under oath. At worst it's a campaign finance violation resulting in a fine. It's amazing that y'all go on about Trump like you've just caught Osama bin Laden and shrug about Hillary and Bill raking in over 100 million giving speeches and covering up just what was given for that money while risking national security too. We know for a fact she broke laws but you ho-hum about that while hollering that Trump acts guilty of something. We'll find something eventually! And act like he's the biggest scandal since Watergate while Dems trying to get him impeached is actually bigger than Watergate. Seriously, what planet are you from? Did your mothers drop all of you on your heads? Amazing!
Just so you know, I’m guessing most people stop reading your nonsense when you start crying about Hillary. It’s old, move on man.


Well-Known Member
Its not my hopes going up as much as yours getting crushed ....again


Well-Known Member
He's embarrassed about the Stormy Daniels brief affair as well as other affairs. This isn't a Watergate cover-up. He looks bad, and most likely hurt his wife. Has absolutely nothing to do with Russians and until he lies under oath he hasn't done anything that rises to the level of impeachment.

You’re missing my point.

Realistically, Impeachment isn’t on the table.

The nonsense about Stormy Daniels is exactly what you say, irrelevant nonsense.


Trump is handling this so poorly...this isn’t an NY business deal where Trump can overmatch the contractor who’s suing him for non-payment.

He’s the PREZ.

Somehow he doesn’t understand that he needs to start embodieng the job.

The ‘special counsel’ was tasked to find evidence of collusion with Russians.

They were also given a mandate to follow up on any crimes they found.

If Bill Clinton had come straight out and said, “yes the intern was slobbing on my knob”, that would have been it.

K. Starr was looking at Whitewater but found a blue dress.

Generally, the folks who get taken down do so because they lied.

Trump hasn’t lied under oath, yet, but he’s a lying lier who keeps lying.

It’s not solid that Trump will finish out his first term...


Well-Known Member
He's embarrassed about the Stormy Daniels brief affair as well as other affairs. This isn't a Watergate cover-up. He looks bad, and most likely hurt his wife. Has absolutely nothing to do with Russians and until he lies under oath he hasn't done anything that rises to the level of impeachment.
Van, you need to understand the impeachment process, it resides in the political realm, not illegal acts committed.


Well-Known Member
Not really ... when he testifies under penalty of legal repercussions, it counts.

Johnson and Nixon lied as badly as Trump. Just before your time.

Before my time, correct, but I’m a student of History.

Which is why Trump would be an absolute fool to talk to Mueller one on one.

Any recommendations for a >$500 digital camera?


Well-Known Member
Before my time, correct, but I’m a student of History.

Which is why Trump would be an absolute fool to talk to Mueller one on one.

Any recommendations for a >$500 digital camera?
You seem to be a student of revised history or pick and choose what to disregard to support a point you are trying to make. Anyone would be a fool to talk to Mueller one on one, his wife included.