President Trump


Well-Known Member
The judge is being fair and following the law. Looks bad for Mueller though. He also got blindsided in his showboating case against the Russians for interference that also made discovery requests.

Not a good week for him.

Mueller has a long history of over zealousness and of chasing the wrong rabbit down the wrong hole. bad trait for an SP to have.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Are you saying the system shouldn't use informants and rats?
I’m saying police aren’t much moral than the criminals they hunt down.
Not the beat cops but detectives and up use any means to investigate a case.

I never believe anything the police say.
They are worse than Trump.


Well-Known Member
Where was all this Mueller hate when he was first named?

You been asleep for the past year? The objections to Mueller and his 17 democratic co-investigators ring a bell?

The links provided about how he bungled the anthrax investigation ring a bell?

The links about his coziness with the Clintons during the Uranium scam with the Russians ring a bell?

have you really been blind to everything not promoted on CNN ?


Staff member
You been asleep for the past year? The objections to Mueller and his 17 democratic co-investigators ring a bell?

The links provided about how he bungled the anthrax investigation ring a bell?

The links about his coziness with the Clintons during the Uranium scam with the Russians ring a bell?

have you really been blind to everything not promoted on CNN ?
Mueller is a republican. Wray is a republican. Rosenstein is a republican. How long you been asleep?


Well-Known Member
Mueller is a republican. Wray is a republican. Rosenstein is a republican. How long you been asleep?

Yea Comey was supposedly a republican too. unfortunately you cant use that one anymore . wray has nothing to do with the investigation that was flack .

Mueller was initially accepted until he started hiring hard core Clinton supporters to work this case. you seem to have side stepped that point...again


Well-Known Member
I guess there was no there there.

You act like pressuring someone to flip them was invented to screw Trump.
I stand with what I said before. There is no there there with Trump and the Russians and the massive Hillary loss. Period. Manafort is caught up with nothing new, he was already under investigation and they declined to prosecute. Mueller thinks he could break Manafort to tell lies and get something on Trump. Manafort has balls and tells Mueller to go screw himself. He is defending his innocence and Mueller is left holding his dick. Exactly what don't you understand about that picture?