President Trump


Well-Known Member
The guy showed some yuge huevos.
His nieces and nephews now call hin

Uncle Tom

And they're white or some sort of mixture.:lol::2guns:
It's interesting how they do speak up when their finances are secure. Kind of like the #MeToo movement. Saw a post on Facebook today where they pointed out for most adults # means the pound sign. So #MeToo.... :)


Well-Known Member
I always thought we stood naked before our Lord, but I'm good with Black too.
I mean if you want a church meeting, he knows what you did three months from now, that is if he decides to allow your breath from his hand for that long. I am no different, so that is not a personal cut.


Well-Known Member
Don't care about them either.
So much for America first.
What a liar.
I'll let your opinions speak for themselves. When you do speak I always think of those old comedies where someone looks in a baby carriage and sees an adult face sucking on their thumb and holding a big lollipop. And the onlooker recoils with a "yikes!"