President Trump


Well-Known Member
It was the happiest day of my life when Trump won and I turned it on CNN and they were all saying "how could this have happened" with a terrified look. Then I turned the channel to fox and they were smiling ear to ear.


Well-Known Member
lump of coal.jpg
I am beginning to understand why you feel Trump is always winning .
Your reading comprehension is atrocious

and your sense of reality even worse.


Strength through joy
Well the left already attempted to tie Trump to the Newspaper Shooting. Only problem was that the shooter started his beef over a decade ago. Poor reporter had to delete all of the messages since he broke Reuters internal rules.


Well-Known Member
All I see with another Trump SC pick is more power to corporations, more deference to the Executive branch, and voting/workers/women’s rights going straight into the toilet.



Well-Known Member
All I see with another Trump SC pick is more power to corporations, more deference to the Executive branch, and voting/workers/women’s rights going straight into the toilet.

One thing I've learned is nothing ever ends up as it seems in politics. I think you libs might want to temper the tears and drama so you have less to be embarrassed about later.


Well-Known Member
One thing I've learned is nothing ever ends up as it seems in politics. I think you libs might want to temper the tears and drama so you have less to be embarrassed about later.

No tears, no drama.

Just calling it like I see it.

Trump’s election has had almost zero actual impact on my personal life.

I have a great job, killer health insurance, a wonderful family, lots of hobbies, I’m just fine.

I worry about Democracy though.

You’re so happy that Trump is ‘winning’, meanwhile you’re missing the point that the power of the Executive branch is being solidified.

Trump won’t be President forever, and there will be a Lib Prez who will capitalize on the precedents that Trump is setting.

We broke away from England because we didn’t want a King...

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Yeah and Obama bowing to the Japanese Emperor wasn't him showing how ridiculous he was. Or maybe that pic standing by the flag and he don't have hia hand over his heart. Or maybe when he gave Iran those BILLIONS of taxpayer dollars. I can keep going and going.
The money we gave Iran was theirs to begin with. We had been keeping it.