President Trump


Well-Known Member
And I wasn't surprised to see you crying about Obama again.

ah yes you want to take a shot at a strong man like Trump so I had to remind you what a little :censored2: your obama was.

I'm curious black america holds him up proudly as an example of black america , does that mean all black men are sissies?


Well-Known Member
ah yes you want to take a shot at a strong man like Trump so I had to remind you what a little :censored2: your obama was.

I'm curious black america holds him up proudly as an example of black america , does that mean all black men are sissies?
Nah, Just white liberals who hide behind keyboards.


If it’s brown, it’s going down
You're lost.
This is the Trump thread.

You need to ask your psychiatrist to up your medication, your Obama obsession disorder is not getting better.
I'm here not dodging just wanted my questions answered or are you going to dodge me again now that I'm at your stomping grounds.


If it’s brown, it’s going down
What non Union related question do you feel I haven't answered buddy?

There where 2 questions I proposed 1. What message do others parties convey to the public that would have won election over Republican candidates that would make the public vote for pro union Democrat? 2. Why do you blame fellow Teamsters or general public for voting in Republican candidates when Democrats are responsible for their own demise? Why would someone vote for a pro union Democrat when failures such as Obamacare have lead to a political change in office due to bad policies. Republicans got in because of these facts and you have yet to respond to my statements or address the real issue why Republicans are in to begin with.


Inordinately Right
There where 2 questions I proposed 1. What message do others parties convey to the public that would have won election over Republican candidates that would make the public vote for pro union Democrat? 2. Why do you blame fellow Teamsters or general public for voting in Republican candidates when Democrats are responsible for their own demise? Why would someone vote for a pro union Democrat when failures such as Obamacare have lead to a political change in office due to bad policies. Republicans got in because of these facts and you have yet to respond to my statements or address the real issue why Republicans are in to begin with.
Welcome to current events.
Let me show you how we do things here.

Hope this helps.



If it’s brown, it’s going down
What non Union related question do you feel I haven't answered buddy?

You blame Republicans but yet the real issue is why haven't pro union Democrats came up with a better message or results to be in office over Republican candidates. Unfortunately pro union Democrats dont have a message people can trust or view as a believable.

Eat Sleep Fish

Jig Master
Let me make this clear. This is America jack. So you can take your commie, socialist ways with you to another country. Guess what? THEY DON'T WANT YOU or anyone else for that matter.