President Trump


Inordinately Right
Let me make this clear. This is America jack. So you can take your commie, socialist ways with you to another country. Guess what? THEY DON'T WANT YOU or anyone else for that matter.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Justice Kennedy was a lifetime appointee who retired early, effective immediately. And now this story is developing. I guess the spin on the story is debatable, but the facts surrounding the loan are not. Might Mueller have found something?

Trump's business career is more connected to Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy than we ever knew

"-Deutsche Bank loaned President Donald Trump over $1 billion for his real-estate projects while Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy's son led a real-estate division there, The New York Times reported Thursday.

-Justin Kennedy was the global head of the real-estate capital markets division of Deutsche Bank, which loaned to Trump when other banks wouldn't.

-Anthony Kennedy's retirement next month will give Trump an opportunity to shift the balance of the Supreme Court to the right.

After Trump's first address to Congress, in February 2017, he reportedly stopped to chat with Anthony Kennedy, saying: "Say hello to your boy. Special guy."


Inordinately Right
The nutcase who couldn't wait 2 minutes before demanding someone immediately answer his questions, is in the mod mod queue. Does anyone really believe he didn't just switch names?


Well-Known Member
Justice Kennedy was a lifetime appointee who retired early, effective immediately. And now this story is developing. I guess the spin on the story is debatable, but the facts surrounding the loan are not. Might Mueller have found something?

Trump's business career is more connected to Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy than we ever knew

"-Deutsche Bank loaned President Donald Trump over $1 billion for his real-estate projects while Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy's son led a real-estate division there, The New York Times reported Thursday.

-Justin Kennedy was the global head of the real-estate capital markets division of Deutsche Bank, which loaned to Trump when other banks wouldn't.

-Anthony Kennedy's retirement next month will give Trump an opportunity to shift the balance of the Supreme Court to the right.

After Trump's first address to Congress, in February 2017, he reportedly stopped to chat with Anthony Kennedy, saying: "Say hello to your boy. Special guy."
He's been caught red handed.
You clown's never fail to amaze me.


Well-Known Member
The nutcase who couldn't wait 2 minutes before demanding someone immediately answer his questions, is in the mod mod queue. Does anyone really believe he didn't just switch names?
Since bbsam is on tonight you'll get this response a week after Mueller's report. The kid is not me, I can endorse most he says however. You thought I was someone else when I joined, what's new? Maybe I should create another name. Since you've blocked me maybe someone will pass this message to you. @Eat Sleep Fish i'm cool if you do it, you are me after all.

An edit, my apologies @Eat Sleep Fish , I assumed you were a young guy, that's why I said kid. My apologies, I feel better knowing you are closer to death as I am. :thumbup1:
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