President Trump

Eat Sleep Fish

Jig Master
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Eat Sleep Fish

Jig Master
Since bbsam is on tonight you'll get this response a week after Mueller's report. The kid is not me, I can endorse most he says however. You thought I was someone else when I joined, what's new? Maybe I should create another name. Since you've blocked me maybe someone will pass this message to you. @Eat Sleep Fish i'm cool if you do it, you are me after all.

An edit, my apologies @Eat Sleep Fish , I assumed you were a young guy, that's why I said kid. My apologies, I feel better knowing you are closer to death as I am. :thumbup1:
No apology needed man. No matter the age, you are cool. I can get along with anybody. We all have something in common. I am sure I can hang with Drive in Drive out even though he is afraid to admit it.