President Trump


Retired 23 years
Why is Harley always bragging about being 100 percent American?

All I know is most all their clothes are made in China, Vietnam or some 3rd word country. I really like my Harley but I quit buying Harley clothes years ago---too firkin expensive for what you get.


Nine Lives
All I know is most all their clothes are made in China, Vietnam or some 3rd word country. I really like my Harley but I quit buying Harley clothes years ago---too firkin expensive for what you get.
Harley is a Marketing company ... They outsource everything except their motorcycles ... Which IMO they should outsource as Well.


nowhere special
There are zero Evangelical Christians on the Supreme Court. Maybe they need a Southern Baptist to balance things out.

... liberals would love that.


Well-Known Member
But when I pointed out to Cohen that he wasn’t repeating past vows to “take a bullet” and “do anything” to protect the president, the longtime Trump loyalist left little doubt about where he stands now, saying simply: “To be crystal clear, my wife, my daughter and my son, and this country have my first loyalty.”

Michael Cohen isn’t sounding so loyal to Trump anymore

a secret interview where he allegedly makes a vague statement to a former clinton lover now pretending to be a journalist. Oh the libs dont need much to get their selves in a tither.


Well-Known Member

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
Amy Coney Barrett or Amul Thapar Notre Dame, Boston College, and Georgetown pedigrees get my vote. Thapar even attended UC Berkley Law School for all the lefties in the house. And as "for the children" who the Dems so emphatically rally for, who better for SCOTUS than a women with 7 !