President Trump

Eat Sleep Fish

Jig Master
Not true. I'l play. What are the ramifications in the broader economy and what is the immediate action of current US steel producers?
Severely taxing imported steel would force our steel production to go up. Now, if only we did that with oil!!! We have more oil in reserve than any other Country. And we are sitting on it. Why?


Well-Known Member
Severely taxing imported steel would force our steel production to go up. Now, if only we did that with oil!!! We have more oil in reserve than any other Country. And we are sitting on it. Why?
I'm guessing so as to have plenty when the rest of the world is running out. But doesn't help us now.

Eat Sleep Fish

Jig Master
I'm guessing so as to have plenty when the rest of the world is running out. But doesn't help us now.
That is what we would hope. Unfortunately, politics means in bed with everyone else to keep the wheels turning. Good thing is that Trump isn't a politician. We need SWEEPING changes to go along with what he has done for the next 6 years.

Eat Sleep Fish

Jig Master
You think Liberal heads are spinning now, but nothing will compare to the Conservative judge he appoints. And why are judges labeled liberal or conservative? They should follow the law of the land but this is the Wild West just more modern. The Civil War is coming.

Eat Sleep Fish

Jig Master
Row V Wade? Why are you judged for killing TWO people if you kill a pregnant Mother? But it's just fine and dandy to murder a person because you couldn't keep your zipper up and don't want the responsibility! The human race is :censored2:ed up man!!


Well-Known Member
Please supply the quote. I'll say you aren't being truthful until you supply it, educate me.
Not that Roe v Wade makes a difference on anything. It's a red herring, nothing more nothing less.
I guess the gaslighting works.

Trump: I'll appoint Supreme Court justices to overturn Roe v. Wade abortion case

Trump on 60 Minutes: if Roe v. Wade is overturned, women will "have to go to another state"


Well-Known Member
Not true. I'l play. What are the ramifications in the broader economy and what is the immediate action of current US steel producers?

you're asking me? the world steel market is also on an upswing. But clearly trumps support of US steel has given them the confidence to open mills that have been sitting idle.


Well-Known Member

trumps answer has been that he will appoint conservative constitutionalists and the overturn of roe vs wade could happen.

we live in a different time, I know a lot of conservatives , i dont know anyone that is screaming for the overturn of roe vs wade. i do see the pendulum swinging some and curtailing some of the more extreme efforts to promote abortions.

liberals should want this it will force the poor to bring more democratic voters to fruition


golden ticket member
I think the Dems are flyng off the charts....I doubt very much that Roe vs.Wade will ever be overturned. It's been the law for too long. The Dems like being "chicken little".