President Trump

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Did anyone see Melania today?
She was in a yellow flowing gown!
Looked like a Goddess ... a perfect match for Trump!


Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Oh im sure if it's not removed newtie will be along shortly to spill his kool-aid in here defending anything Trump related.

Right now he's probably sleeping tight with his best friend though:

Think I'll start a business framing and shipping those lionizing Russian portraits of a fictionalized Trump being a badass so Trumpy Bear owners will have something to immediately salute on the bedroom wall when they wake up.


Well-Known Member
Think I'll start a business framing and shipping those lionizing Russian portraits of a fictionalized Trump being a badass so Trumpy Bear owners will have something to immediately salute on the bedroom wall when they wake up.

Actually, that’s legit $$$.

Dumb website linked to Fox News, little eBay action, you could clear a lot of cash...


Well-Known Member
Think I'll start a business framing and shipping those lionizing Russian portraits of a fictionalized Trump being a badass so Trumpy Bear owners will have something to immediately salute on the bedroom wall when they wake up.

While the libs salute pictures of aborted fetus's when they wake ?


Well-Known Member
Watching the Strzok stuff I thought. This is what the A-Hole in IE that decide how many routes you can have looks like sitting in their office looking at mythical numbers.
