President Trump


Well-Known Member
He is no longer on the Russian collusion investigation. Ttku.
Well aware. But he was the lead investigator until the text messages demonstrating bias came out. You guys wanted so badly for there to be collusion between Trump and the Russians. But it was all a lie concocted by Strzok and several others. Which is why the Mueller investigation is tainted.


Well-Known Member
Well aware. But he was the lead investigator until the text messages demonstrating bias came out. You guys wanted so badly for there to be collusion between Trump and the Russians. But it was all a lie concocted by Strzok and several others. Which is why the Mueller investigation is tainted.
Yet you have no evidence he tainted anything. Keep trying Van. Lmao


Well-Known Member
Yet you have no evidence he tainted anything. Keep trying Van. Lmao
They have texts of him meeting with FISA court judge. Said he'd meet him at a dinner party so as to not draw attention. Mueller special counsel was appointed based on what he orchestrated. Never told FISA court that Steele dossier was paid for by Clinton campaign. Strzok was the one who wrote Clinton exoneration letter months before she was even interviewed. And handled that investigation instead of turning it over to experienced FBI investigators. He's management. Strzok and others are now under investigation by the DOJ IG. To date close to a dozen officials in the FBI and DOJ have been fired, demoted, and or suspended in connection to this. If you aren't aware it's because you watch liberal media outlets who are trying to downplay all of this. If Republicans had done this to Obama they'd all be in jail now. This is bigger than Watergate, and the truth is coming out.


Well-Known Member
They have texts of him meeting with FISA court judge. Said he'd meet him at a dinner party so as to not draw attention. Mueller special counsel was appointed based on what he orchestrated. Never told FISA court that Steele dossier was paid for by Clinton campaign. Strzok was the one who wrote Clinton exoneration letter months before she was even interviewed. And handled that investigation instead of turning it over to experienced FBI investigators. He's management. Strzok and others are now under investigation by the DOJ IG. To date close to a dozen officials in the FBI and DOJ have been fired, demoted, and or suspended in connection to this. If you aren't aware it's because you watch liberal media outlets who are trying to downplay all of this. If Republicans had done this to Obama they'd all be in jail now. This is bigger than Watergate, and the truth is coming out.
No Van, with a republican president and Congress they would be in jail if they had actually did anything illegal.


Well-Known Member
No Van, with a republican president and Congress they would be in jail if they had actually did anything illegal.
Not when it's the DOJ and FBI doing the cover up. To this day most of the documents requested by the Congressional oversight committee have not been turned over to the committee. And there were plenty of "Never Trump" Republicans in on this.


Bad Moon Risen'
No new meme's?


Well-Known Member
You cray.
Steadfast True Believer. Divine Intervention. A Mandate from Heaven. Nothing will come of so called Russian Hacking. The only thing I have my doubts about is seeking reelection. Some days I feel as if he would hand the torch to Pence. Others, I think he will win reelection in landslide fashion.


IE boogeyman
it’s obvious mueller has nothing now, the investigation has been reduced to trying to indict the un-indictable

2 years of political capital flushed down the toilet at the DNC headquarters chasing the phantom bear


Well-Known Member
it’s obvious mueller has nothing now, the investigation has been reduced to trying to indict the un-indictable

2 years of political capital flushed down the toilet at the DNC headquarters chasing the phantom bear

That was my thought. He's padding the body count by adding a bunch of ruskies that will never physically stand trial. No one will show to fight these charges and therefore either prove Mueller right or wrong.


Well-Known Member
That was my thought. He's padding the body count by adding a bunch of ruskies that will never physically stand trial. No one will show to fight these charges and therefore either prove Mueller right or wrong.
Actually Mueller is showing Drumpf, Putin and his supporters that we were indeed attacked by Russian government operatives.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
I think we should all reserve judgment on what Mueller’s investigation might find until it hits the same 2 year mark the Benghazi investigation got to. We’re only 14 months in so far.


IE boogeyman
I think we should all reserve judgment on what Mueller’s investigation might find until it hits the same 2 year mark the Benghazi investigation got to. We’re only 14 months in so far.
the difference is Putin is ultimately responsible for whatever happened as Trump had zero executive authority

Clinton and Obama WERE responsible for Benghazi, at least for starting a pointless conflict, at most for ignoring security warnings

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
the difference is Putin is ultimately responsible for whatever happened as Trump had zero executive authority

You of course don’t need executive authority to money launder, cut deals in case you do eventually attain it, etc. We’ll see.

Trump and Congressional Republicans are trying awfully hard to discredit an investigation that’s thought by some to be an obvious nothingburger. Somebody must think there will be trouble ahead.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
You of course don’t need executive authority to money launder, cut deals in case you do eventually attain it, etc. We’ll see.

Trump and Congressional Republicans are trying awfully hard to discredit an investigation that’s thought by some to be an obvious nothingburger. Somebody must think there will be trouble ahead.
You can tell by their response. It’s not, “this is bad, we will work to make sure no foreign power tries to interfere in future elections and we’re doing XYZ to make that happen.” What they do say is, “look no collusion, nothing to see here, carry on, nothing burger!!! The FBI is corrupt! Hillary!!!!”

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
You can tell by their response. It’s not, “this is bad, we will work to make sure no foreign power tries to interfere in future elections and we’re doing XYZ to make that happen.” What they do say is, “look no collusion, nothing to see here, carry on, nothing burger!!! The FBI is corrupt! Hillary!!!!”



Well-Known Member
You can tell by their response. It’s not, “this is bad, we will work to make sure no foreign power tries to interfere in future elections and we’re doing XYZ to make that happen.” What they do say is, “look no collusion, nothing to see here, carry on, nothing burger!!! The FBI is corrupt! Hillary!!!!”
Well what exactly are you expecting of them? I watched video of Obama today saying in 2016 in response to Trump's allegations of foreign interference that it was laughable that anyone could influence the election. That there were too many votes and it was so decentralized. So what is it, other than an opportunity to rant, that you expect them to do? Keep a tight lid on who comes into the country? He's trying that, and gets reamed for it. Exactly what will keep them from trying to influence in the future? And you lay everything at Trump's feet, but the Russians have been trying forever to mess with our democracy. And have intensified their efforts since the advent of the internet. So tell us so we can relay your advice to Central Command, what exactly should they be doing and why do you believe no efforts are being made to thwart our enemies? You seem to know something no one else does.