President Trump


Well-Known Member
Paying their fair share to whom exactly? Do you understand the NATO alliance at all or just parrot Trump’s idiocy? There aren’t dues to pay for NATO, there’s no pot of money Europe isn’t paying into. The members have a goal to hit for their own sending on defense and still have years remaining to get there. Trump has convinced you they’re derilict in some commitment, that’s just not true. Putin is happy for that disinformation campaign.
Totally wrong. NATO has not been paying their fair share. Answer the question Obama was nice about it and it did not work. Is Trump supposed to look the other way? Your correct answer will require you step away from CNN and put down your DNC talking points.


Well-Known Member


IE boogeyman
You of course don’t need executive authority to money launder, cut deals in case you do eventually attain it, etc. We’ll see.
oh come on dude give it up

the longer this goes on the more dumb the democrats look and the more regular people will see Trump as having told the truth

the ENTIRE DNC STRATEGY is based on the assumption that he is a total liar so every time he can prove himself right in the face of their accusations, it completely destroys their credibility

this is a waste of time, the dems should focus on THE ECONOMY and other working class issues instead of the stupid, limp-wristed #LA RESISTANCE crap


Inordinately Right
oh come on dude give it up

the longer this goes on the more dumb the democrats look and the more regular people will see Trump as having told the truth

the ENTIRE DNC STRATEGY is based on the assumption that he is a total liar so every time he can prove himself right in the face of their accusations, it completely destroys their credibility

this is a waste of time, the dems should focus on THE ECONOMY and other working class issues instead of the stupid, limp-wristed #LA RESISTANCE crap
you're overestimating the intelligence of voters
the DNC strategy, while not as effective as scapegoating immigrants, rabid blind nationalism, and lugenpresse.... will be effective none the less.

voters are dumb on both sides. it will most likely come down to who has gerrymandered and played the electoral college game the best anyways. at least trump is entertaining.


IE boogeyman
you're overestimating the intelligence of voters
the DNC strategy, while not as effective as scapegoating immigrants, rabid blind nationalism, and lugenpresse.... will be effective none the less
no it won’t, Trump voters are being backed further into a corner (increasing turnout) yet the progressive side of the dems is constantly ignored and blamed for hillary losing

it’s a :censored2: strategy that is going to be a huge failure in the working class states the dems can’t afford to lose in 2020


Inordinately Right
no it won’t, Trump voters are being backed further into a corner (increasing turnout) yet the progressive side of the dems is constantly ignored and blamed for hillary losing

it’s a :censored2: strategy that is going to be a huge failure in the working class states the dems can’t afford to lose in 2020
It will be effective, just not where the demonrats need it be...
I think we're mostly in agreement.

It will all come down to who gerrymandered and plays the electoral college game the best. He lost the popular vote by millions and is still president. Winning votes isn't as important as where you win them. It's all a big game for the elites.... a "disaster for democracy"... lulz
