President Trump


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Box Ox

Well-Known Member
obama was out of his league. thats why his economy crawled along at a snails pace.

The economy crawled at a snails pace because it crashed at the very end of the Bush Administration's 8 year watch. And the economy didn't all of the sudden take off when Trump took over just last year.


Well-Known Member
The economy crawled at a snails pace because it crashed at the very end of the Bush Administration's 8 year watch. And the economy didn't all of the sudden take off when Trump took over just last year.

dude it was the slowest recovery in history , you cant alibi that ?


Well-Known Member
Now we have "Lying by Charts".

Notice Obama (Yellow) doesn't start until March 2009 or so and then ends Jan 1st after Trump is elected.

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Can you point to Obama policies that caused that to happen? Or did it happen in spite of him? Did you happen to notice a marked improvement in jobs, pay, the status of the middle class while Obama was president? Democrats want to take credit for everything but can't point to policies that would justify their claims.


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When I lived in Eagle Pass, TX headless bodies were being hung from highway overpasses in Piedras Negras across the river as warnings. Was happening all over Mexico. People need to understand that wherever illegal drugs from Mexico are being sold there are these type people in the area facilitating it. People who will do anything to keep the money flowing. Most likely most of us have walked right next to them in Wal-Mart. How anyone can justify not doing everything possible to stop this is beyond comprehension. Maybe when it's their child murdered they'll finally get it.