President Trump


Well-Known Member
Lol keep em coming.

got ya

head in sand.jpg

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
If the Russians somehow padded the ballot boxes with Trump votes, that's interfering and meddling with the election.
If the Democrats padded the ballot boxes with undocumented immigrant votes, that's interfering and meddling.

If the Russians duped gullible, uneducated voters with mis/information to vote for Trump, that's NOT interfering and meddling.
That's the Democrat's Platform and MO, used against them.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
And what record is that?
Damn, your memory must be shorter than your junk!

Did Obummer Pledge ‘More Flexibility’ Toward Russia After the 2012 Election?
In 2012, President Obummer was overheard over a hot microphone telling President Dmitri Medvedev of Russia he would have "more flexibility" to negotiate with Putin after the election.

Snopes Fact Check

Did Obummer Pledge ‘More Flexibility’ Toward Russia After the 2012 Election?
In 2012, President Obummer was overheard over a hot microphone telling President Dmitri Medvedev of Russia he would have "more flexibility" to negotiate with Putin after the election.




Inordinately Right
Damn, your memory must be shorter than your junk!

Did Obama Pledge ‘More Flexibility’ Toward Russia After the 2012 Election?
In 2012, President Obama was overheard over a hot microphone telling President Dmitri Medvedev of Russia he would have "more flexibility" to negotiate with Putin after the election.

Snopes Fact Check

Did Obama Pledge ‘More Flexibility’ Toward Russia After the 2012 Election?
In 2012, President Obama was overheard over a hot microphone telling President Dmitri Medvedev of Russia he would have "more flexibility" to negotiate with Putin after the election.




Well-Known Member
Damn, your memory must be shorter than your junk!

Did Obummer Pledge ‘More Flexibility’ Toward Russia After the 2012 Election?
In 2012, President Obummer was overheard over a hot microphone telling President Dmitri Medvedev of Russia he would have "more flexibility" to negotiate with Putin after the election.

Snopes Fact Check

Did Obummer Pledge ‘More Flexibility’ Toward Russia After the 2012 Election?
In 2012, President Obummer was overheard over a hot microphone telling President Dmitri Medvedev of Russia he would have "more flexibility" to negotiate with Putin after the election.


Obama was quoted the following day saying he wasn’t trying to “hide the ball,” and would carry through with negotiations with Russia. In May 2016, after nearly a decade of planning (and over the continued objections of Russia), the NATO missile defense system in Europe was finally launched.


Well-Known Member
Obama was quoted the following day saying he wasn’t trying to “hide the ball,” and would carry through with negotiations with Russia. In May 2016, after nearly a decade of planning (and over the continued objections of Russia), the NATO missile defense system in Europe was finally launched.

the video is pretty clear .