President Trump


Well-Known Member
the video is pretty clear .
It's pretty clear Obama didn't negotiate anything with Russia in regards to the NATO missile defense system.
U.S. launches long-awaited missile defense shield - CNNPolitics
Obama's posture made the Poles and Czechs "very concerned" that the entire missile defense project would be abandoned by his administration, according to Conley.
But, she said, "What they wound up getting with the current system was more robust than they had anticipated."


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
It's quarterly earnings report week. We're gonna see if Trump's tariff temper tantrums are having an effect yet.

Get ready for fun.
Trump might have made a big mistake gauging his success by the markets.
im not worried about tariffs, we need to put china in its place. Im fine with paying a little more and now is a good time to do it

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
And what record is that?
Damn, your memory must be shorter than your junk!
Obama was quoted the following day saying he wasn’t trying to “hide the ball,” and would carry through with negotiations with Russia. In May 2016, after nearly a decade of planning (and over the continued objections of Russia), the NATO missile defense system in Europe was finally launched.
NATO must be central as Trump just got the the deadbeat Socialist in Europe to increase their financial support of NATO.


Well-Known Member
It's pretty clear Obama didn't negotiate anything with Russia in regards to the NATO missile defense system.
U.S. launches long-awaited missile defense shield - CNNPolitics
Obama's posture made the Poles and Czechs "very concerned" that the entire missile defense project would be abandoned by his administration, according to Conley.
But, she said, "What they wound up getting with the current system was more robust than they had anticipated."

the video is pretty clear ,the evidence is damning did you want me to repost it for the 10th time?


Well-Known Member
im not worried about tariffs, we need to put china in its place. Im fine with paying a little more and now is a good time to do it

yep , one of those issues the other presidents gave lip service to. Trump is finally the one doing something about it. EU leader coming over next week . watch trade agreements start falling in place.