President Trump


Well-Known Member
Things didn't move until the tax cuts were made and many regulations lifted. Business owners became optimistic. You want to see real wages lifted? Get manufacturing back in significant numbers. Companies will be competing for workers. As long as most of the work is dime-a-dozen service jobs and they keep importing cheap labor to compete for those jobs wages will stay low. Want to see what an industry looks like where they compete for workers look at trucking. Doesn't mean everyone is going to get $100k jobs if manufacturing comes back. Just means good paying jobs are available if you're willing to work, and better jobs can be had if you get the training.

Alternative facts.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Things didn't move until the tax cuts were made and many regulations lifted. Business owners became optimistic. You want to see real wages lifted? Get manufacturing back in significant numbers. Companies will be competing for workers. As long as most of the work is dime-a-dozen service jobs and they keep importing cheap labor to compete for those jobs wages will stay low. Want to see what an industry looks like where they compete for workers look at trucking. Doesn't mean everyone is going to get $100k jobs if manufacturing comes back. Just means good paying jobs are available if you're willing to work, and better jobs can be had if you get the training.
You're wasting your breath preaching to the Democrat Fascists on here.


Inordinately Right
Things didn't move until the tax cuts were made and many regulations lifted. Want to see what an industry looks like where they compete for workers look at trucking.
Uh, a big part of the trucker shortage and pay increase is a direct result of the new electronic log device mandate. The new regulations are keeping people from cheating the hours of service regulations. They can drive less and more drivers are needed......

So basically the opposite of the claim you're trying to make.


Well-Known Member
Uh, a big part of the trucker shortage and pay increase is a direct result of the new electronic log device mandate. The new regulations are keeping people from cheating the hours of service regulations. They can drive less and more drivers are needed......

So basically the opposite of the claim you're trying to make.
They've been using electronic logs for many years now. There's always been a shortage of truckers but becomes even worse when the economy booms. And truckers make good money.


Inordinately Right
They've been using electronic logs for many years now. There's always been a shortage of truckers but becomes even worse when the economy booms. And truckers make good money.
You don't know what you're talking about. Look up the new ELD mandate. They weren't required until this year. Your anti regulations claim is nonsense in the example you provided.


Well-Known Member
You don't know what you're talking about. Look up the new ELD mandate. They weren't required until this year. Your anti regulations claim is nonsense in the example you provided.
They may have a new mandate but truckers have been using electronic logs with many companies, if not most, for close to a decade now. Was seen as a plus to not have paper logs in recruitment, not a negative. They have satellite, or cellular, communications that instantly transmits their info.
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Well-Known Member
They may have a new mandate but truckers have been using electronic logs with many, if not most, for close to a decade now. Was seen as a plus to not have paper logs in recruitment, not a negative. They have satellite, or cellular, communications that instantly transmits their info.

I can’t tell, are you OK with that particular regulation?


Inordinately Right
They may have a new mandate but truckers have been using electronic logs with many, if not most, for close to a decade now. Was seen as a plus to not have paper logs in recruitment, not a negative. They have satellite, or cellular, communications that instantly transmits their info.
You really have no clue what you're talking about.


Well-Known Member
I can’t tell, are you OK with that particular regulation?
Truckers keeping two logs so that they could run a lot longer often resulted in fatal accidents. Knew a couple in Colorado coming home from vacation who were literally run over by a trucker who fell asleep. I'm for public safety as much as anyone.


Inordinately Right
Wow, you'll double down no matter how wrong you are.
You can't possibly be that :censored2:ing stupid, you have to be trolling.

You're claiming truckers are happy with the eld mandate because it means they don't have to use paper. How delusional can you possibly be? Its a regulation that limits how much money they can make.

How bout you Google it for 5 freaking seconds, so you won't look so unbelievably ignorant.


Inordinately Right
Truckers keeping two logs so that they could run a lot longer often resulted in fatal accidents. Knew a couple in Colorado coming home from vacation who were literally run over by a trucker who fell asleep. I'm for public safety as much as anyone.
Your repuglicans tried to kill the regulation. Lol.


Well-Known Member
Truckers keeping two logs so that they could run a lot longer often resulted in fatal accidents. Knew a couple in Colorado coming home from vacation who were literally run over by a trucker who fell asleep. I'm for public safety as much as anyone.

I’m still confused, not trolling!

Was the regulation good or bad, in your opinion?


Well-Known Member
You can't possibly be that :censored2:ing stupid, you have to be trolling.

You're claiming truckers are happy with the eld mandate because it means they don't have to use paper. How delusional can you possibly be? Its a regulation that limits how much money they

How bout you Google it for 5 freaking seconds, so you won't look so unbelievably ignorant.
Are you daft. I'm claiming trucking companies use electronic logs as a recruitment tool to bring in new hires because no one likes to deal with paperwork. Know who hates not having paper logs? Independent truckers running their own business. Those are the ones who'll be affected most by that mandate. Trying learning how the industry operates before making accusations ok?


Inordinately Right
I'm claiming trucking companies use electronic logs as a recruitment tool to bring in new hires because no one likes to deal with paperwork.
Dumbest comment of the day award goes to you buddy. Congrats.

Know who hates not having paper logs? Independent truckers running their own business. Those are the ones who'll be affected most by that mandate.
No :censored2: Sherlock that was my point all along. It's a regulation that limits how much they can work. Jesus Christ, welcome to the conversation genius.