President Trump


Inordinately Right
russian truck drivers
Found one!
tenor (26).gif


Staff member
They may have a new mandate but truckers have been using electronic logs with many companies, if not most, for close to a decade now. Was seen as a plus to not have paper logs in recruitment, not a negative. They have satellite, or cellular, communications that instantly transmits their info.
You clearly don't talk to many truckers, the vast majority don't like electronic logs (because they can't fudge their hours of service) which is why the feds finally had to force the issue by making them mandatory this year. And yes, plenty of companies have been using them for a while but because the implementation wasn't regulated by the feds you could still fudge your hours of service even using ELD.


Well-Known Member
You clearly don't talk to many truckers, the vast majority don't like electronic logs (because they can't fudge their hours of service) which is why the feds finally had to force the issue by making them mandatory this year. And yes, plenty of companies have been using them for a while but because the implementation wasn't regulated by the feds you could still fudge your hours of service even using ELD.
Didn't say they didn't. Said companies used electronic logs as a recruitment tool to bring in new truckers. Was sold as a plus to not do paperwork. But if I was a trucker I'd want to abide by the rules rather than get run ragged. I delivered travel trailers for 7 months back in '98. Often drove 18 hours a day. Almost fell asleep numerous times. So it works for me.


Well-Known Member
Once you have a working warhead design there is no more need to test them. How many have we detonated in the last 5 years?

that's fine if NK is ok with possibly deploying that missle on their own cities. if not then they would still need to develop the means to accurately fire said war head at its intended target. that testing has not been completed and proven to be accurate. Thus ceasing that testing and delaying the development of that capability is significant.

the US last tested one of its ICBM's in july of last year and occasionaly will test fire those missles not only to test them but to demonstrate our capability to the world.