President Trump


Well-Known Member
Supply and demand. Pretty simple influx of illegal aliens drives wages down if there were less workers wages would rise. And in Illinois they give illegal license so they do driving jobs as well

and thats what blows me away. how can unions support the dems and their promotion of illegal labor .


Well-Known Member
The house keeping people who work for the company midway actually formed a union and they were on strike and they had a huge rat in front of cach ups facility and they got a better raise then we are getting granted they were making alot less


Well-Known Member
They want open boarders to bring in drugs and cheap labor. How much do they pay when they have the anchor babies in our hospitals with no insurance and the hospital writes it off and how many are we feeding in our jails and prison. And when they have kids here they can apply for food stamps because the kid is a citizen. The poorest people come here.
How much are these boarders paying for their rooms? :)

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
You didn't prove they're keeping wages down you just ranted about 'illegals'... That all you got?
At least the rant was totally unsourced, lacking any evidence and misguided. If that’s not convincing, I don’t know what is.

Why focus on the employers that hire these illegals? Blame the dirt poor brown people, it’s clearly their fault.


Inordinately Right


Well-Known Member
Trump did take an economy that was fizzaling and choking on excessive regulations and charge it up

It’s funny how media outlets, regardless of their political leaning, keep reporting how great this economy is (even before the tax cuts). As if the middle-class should be blown away by the fact that more retail jobs than expected were added. Wages are not increasing, and companies are still very much adopting the “do more with less” mantra - most people I know feel overworked due to staffing issues. By the way things are portrayed, you would think it’s the mid-sixties, and GM recruiters were scouring the streets of Detroit, looking for employees to fill highly compensated manufacturing jobs.


Inordinately Right
At least the rant was totally unsourced, lacking any evidence and misguided. If that’s not convincing, I don’t know what is.

Why focus on the employers that hire these illegals? Blame the dirt poor brown people, it’s clearly their fault.
A healthy economy can support immigration. Hell, a growing economy usually requires a growing population.... And given the plummeting birth rate among native born citizens, we should be embracing immigrants.

The whole argument against immigrants is bizarre.... Other than the fact that it's basically a national pastime at this point. Nothing new really I guess.


Well-Known Member
Legal immigration is fine. But do you realize how many are on welfare because the kids are born here. In our jails and court system. Yes people make money off the cheap labor but it cost our government billions. Build the wall deport all criminal illegal aliens. Just to start maybe American family would have more kids if it wasn't so hard. I got 2 kids would love to have 1 more but I can't afford it and I make 80k. And wife make 40k. If socialism happens I hope it's before my kids go to college so I can keep my money and it's free. Wait nothing is free someone pays for it.


Well-Known Member
Build the wall deport all criminal illegal aliens.

Did you ever read the transcript of the conversation between Trump and the president of Mexico? If not, you should, it’s positively hilarious.

Trump out-and-out tells Nieto that building the wall is of little practical importance, but states that it’s a huge deal politically.

Essentially, he was admitting he was using this issue to get the feebs riled up, and nothing more.

And yet, the “build the wall” chanting at his rallies goes on-and-on; despite the fact that Trump’s own words display the contempt that he has for his stereo typical base. What a disgraceful lack of critical thinking!


Well-Known Member
The art of the deal. Nieto is gone and it is a big deal because they are flooding our country with the poor. The wall is coming soon after red wave in November

I’m going to surmise that you never read the transcript, and that you’ve missed my point entirely - surprise, surprise.

Oh well; if nothing else, the wall will make a nice place for business owners to hang help wanted signs.


Inordinately Right
Legal immigration is fine.
So let's make them legal. Problem solved.
do you realize how many are on welfare because the kids are born here. In our jails and court system.
Percentage wise, less than the native born population.
Yes people make money off the cheap labor but it cost our government billions.
I don't like the entitlement system for immigrants OR native born citizens.
Build the wall deport all criminal illegal aliens.
If we weren't wasting limited resources on imprisoning non-criminals, then we could deport more criminals.
I got 2 kids would love to have 1 more but I can't afford it and I make 80k. And wife make 40k.
Sounds like you suck with money.
If socialism happens I hope it's before my kids go to college so I can keep my money and it's free. Wait nothing is free someone pays for it.
You mean like someone else pays for their elementary and high school education? And the roads you drive to work on everyday, and police officers, and the list goes on and on...... Damn that socialism!

Just to start maybe American family would have more kids if it wasn't so hard.
If it's not hard you're not doing it right bro.
or you're old


Well-Known Member
So let's make them legal. Problem solved.

Percentage wise, less than the native born population.

I don't like the entitlement system for immigrants OR native born citizens.

If we weren't wasting limited resources on imprisoning non-criminals, then we could deport more criminals.

Sounds like you suck with money.

You mean like someone else pays for their elementary and high school education? And the roads you drive to work on everyday, and police officers, and the list goes on and on...... Damn that socialism!

If it's not hard you're not doing it right bro.
or you're old
It's a shame you don't understand what socialism is. It isn't government providing security(police and fire), road work, etc. Socialism is an economic system. It's government control of business. The degree of control varies from country to country that are considered socialist. But businesses exist first to pay the government, as do also individuals. An example of government control for you: in France they decided if no one worked more than 35 hrs a week then there would be more available jobs. They even have people out looking for violators. They literally arrest and fine people caught working after hours. You already know about socialized medicine and their government control over it. In the U.S. there are regulations business must abide by or get fined, primarily to protect stockholders, consumers, employees, and the environment. But in socialism government dictates how a business conducts business. And in it's extreme form a centralized government runs everything, assigning workers to jobs, all money goes to the state. It isn't what a government in a free society is supposed to do, maintain safety, provide education, etc. Calling that socialism is just a ploy to get the country to where socialists want it, with them controlling everything.


Inordinately Right
It's a shame you don't understand what socialism is. It isn't government providing security(police and fire), road work, etc. Socialism is an economic system. It's government control of business. The degree of control varies from country to country that are considered socialist. But businesses exist first to pay the government, as do also individuals. It isn't what a government in a free society is supposed to do, maintain safety, provide education, etc. Calling that socialism is just a ploy to get the country to where socialists want it, with them controlling everything.
Um, it's a shame you don't understand sarcasm.
You're helping me prove my point which was in response to this comment:

If socialism happens I hope it's before my kids go to college so I can keep my money and it's free. Wait nothing is free someone pays for it.
Thanks for agreeing with me Vantexican.