President Trump


Well-Known Member
I think he could shoot someone in the street on video and his blind sheep would call it fake news.

fortunately we've not had to verify that measure.

we have had to endure close to two years of fake news as the dems working in cahoots with the media working in cahoots with evidence manufactored by Obama folks try to manufacture a crime .

Trumps biggest crime has been that he is an ass and judging by the DC environment that is status quo.


Well-Known Member
Drumpf wasn't handed an economy in the deepest recession since the great depression. Ttku

Trump did take an economy that was fizzaling and choking on excessive regulations and charge it up.

the timing was very good because we otherwise generally move back into a recession every 8 years or so.

signs were there that Obama's economy was moving back into a recession with GDP struggling to stay above 1 percent in 2016


Well-Known Member
So why did you just try to brag about raises under Trump? We seem to agree wages are down, so why would you brag about that fact?
Was it bragging, or noting that all those raises and bonuses happened after the tax cuts? Not everyone got those, and think where wages would be if those weren't handed out. Wages didn't just suddenly go down.


Well-Known Member
OK the house keeping people at ups in Hodgkins IL are hired by a small company called midway they were all fired when I9 came around. Ups just trust midway to vet and they say we hired a company it's out of our hands. No way any American would clean those toilets for 9 dollars a hour. Don't you think ups can afford to pay house keeping more. At every hotel you go to who is cleaning the rooms illegals. You don't think the hotel could pay a fair living wage. Who does my neighbors hired to cut his grass illegals. When you go to a restaurant who is bussing the tables and bar backs and cooks and hosts. Around Chicago land area it's illegal. Who is in all the fish places that supply the restaurant illegals. They also work in all temp agency and many factories. Should I continue or do you want the address


Inordinately Right
OK the house keeping people at ups in Hodgkins IL are hired by a small company called midway they were all fired when I9 came around. Ups just trust midway to vet and they say we hired a company it's out of our hands. No way any American would clean those toilets for 9 dollars a hour. Don't you think ups can afford to pay house keeping more. At every hotel you go to who is cleaning the rooms illegals. You don't think the hotel could pay a fair living wage. Who does my neighbors hired to cut his grass illegals. When you go to a restaurant who is bussing the tables and bar backs and cooks and hosts. Around Chicago land area it's illegal. Who is in all the fish places that supply the restaurant illegals. They also work in all temp agency and many factories. Should I continue or do you want the address
You didn't prove they're keeping wages down you just ranted about 'illegals'... That all you got?


Inordinately Right
Supply and demand. Pretty simple influx of illegal aliens drives wages down if there were less workers wages would rise.
Pretty simple?
Supply and demand, but we're at full employment, and wages are still going down.....

Seems to me something else is going on here, and your 'pretty simple' economic theory doesn't tell the whole story.


Well-Known Member
You didn't prove they're keeping wages down you just wanted about 'illegals'... That all you got?
Well then why do the koch brothers want open boarders you can't be this stupid. At least say they doing jobs American won't do. I live in a area and know many illegal aliens many hard working nice people go to church and work. And I know they work for less do you want these people address.


Well-Known Member
They want open boarders to bring in drugs and cheap labor. How much do they pay when they have the anchor babies in our hospitals with no insurance and the hospital writes it off and how many are we feeding in our jails and prison. And when they have kids here they can apply for food stamps because the kid is a citizen. The poorest people come here.