President Trump


Well-Known Member
Um, it's a shame you don't understand sarcasm.
You're helping me prove my point which was in response to this comment:

Thanks for agreeing with me Vantexican.
Big difference between providing K-12 education that's paid for by property taxes, and higher education that if an individual wants they must pay out of pocket. Public universities already get subsidized, but if totally free per the socialists you'll see your property taxes go up considerably. So essentially you're paying rent to the government for the privilege of owning your own home. Now I'll kick back and wait for your next silly reply.


Inordinately Right
Big difference between providing K-12 education that's paid for by property taxes, and higher education that if an individual wants they must pay out of pocket.
It's the same thing man, there's public universities, and private universities. There's public high schools, and private high schools.
if totally free per the socialists you'll see your property taxes go up considerably.
Depends on how it's funded. See Tennessee for an alternative.
So essentially you're paying rent to the government for the privilege of owning your own home.
Ya same would go for roads and police with that logic.
You against roads and police too?
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Well-Known Member
It's the same thing man, there's public universities, and private universities. There's public high schools, and private high schools.

Depends on how it's funded. See Tennessee for an alternative.

Ya same would go for roads and police with that logic.
You against roads and police too?
All that's covered already. You're entitled to public safety. You're not entitled to a college degree.


Bad Moon Risen'
more winning

Is that Barron?


Well-Known Member
Did you ever read the transcript of the conversation between Trump and the president of Mexico? If not, you should, it’s positively hilarious.

Trump out-and-out tells Nieto that building the wall is of little practical importance, but states that it’s a huge deal politically.

Essentially, he was admitting he was using this issue to get the feebs riled up, and nothing more.

And yet, the “build the wall” chanting at his rallies goes on-and-on; despite the fact that Trump’s own words display the contempt that he has for his stereo typical base. What a disgraceful lack of critical thinking!

best way to increase wages is to block illegal immigration

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Where do you get this from? From a monkey's butt?
In the United States, a federal crime or federal offense is an act that is made illegal by U.S. federal legislation. ... That includes many acts that, if they did not occur on U.S. federal property or on Indian reservations or were not specifically penalized, would otherwise not be crimes or fall under state or local law.

The Constitution itself identifies only three federal crimes - piracy, counterfeiting, and treason.
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Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
How's Timothy McVeigh doing these days?
SMH - don't you cuckservatives ever look something up before exposing your ignorance?

Federal Government Charges against Timothy McVee
Count 1
-- Conspiracy to use a weapon of mass destruction.

Count 2 -- Use of a weapon of mass destruction.

Count 3 -- Destruction by explosive of government property.

Counts 4 -11 -- First degree murder for each of eight federal agents killed in the explosion.

The other 160 deaths of people who were not Feds had to be prosecuted under Oklahoma state law.


Inordinately Right
In the United States, a federal crime or federal offense is an act that is made illegal by U.S. federal legislation. ... That includes many acts that, if they did not occur on U.S. federal property or on Indian reservations or were not specifically penalized, would otherwise not be crimes or fall under state or local law.

The Constitution itself identifies only three federal crimes - piracy,counterfeiting, and treason.
Pick a username name weirdo.
Killing is not regulated or legislated via the National Government … that is under State law.
How's Timothy Mcveigh doing these days?
Oh that's right, the National Government killed him.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
How's Timothy McVeigh doing these days?
In certain circumstances, murder becomes a federal crime.

Under the Constitution, criminal law is mostly handled by individual states. If you are accused of murder committed in California, you will most likely be charged and tried under California’s laws. However, there are many circumstances in which killing someone can also break a federal law. In those instances, you can be tried in federal court.

These cases usually involve killings that are related to the following:

  • Drug trafficking
  • Crossing state borders
  • Occur on a body of water
  • Are considered an attack on the U.S. government or judicial system


Well-Known Member
best way to increase wages is to block illegal immigration

Let me get this straight.

Your assertion is that if we could control illegal immigration, compensation for jobs in maid services, parking lot management (has become automated in recent years) and grape picking will go through the ceiling?


Well-Known Member
In certain circumstances, murder becomes a federal crime.

Under the Constitution, criminal law is mostly handled by individual states. If you are accused of murder committed in California, you will most likely be charged and tried under California’s laws. However, there are many circumstances in which killing someone can also break a federal law. In those instances, you can be tried in federal court.

These cases usually involve killings that are related to the following:

  • Drug trafficking
  • Crossing state borders
  • Occur on a body of water
  • Are considered an attack on the U.S. government or judicial system
Where does Dylan Roof fit in to that definition?

Learn from more than Wikipedia, but at least learn.