President Trump

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
You mean you see people lining up for jobs that illegal immigrants fill?
That would eliminate the necessity of much of the welfare state seeking government handouts. (You did say you wanted to start balancing the budget, didn't you).
Then maybe we could transition into temporary wage supplementation.
Then assistance only for the TRULY needy.
Then self-reliance and self-esteem that comes from contributing to society for a change.

The road to MAGA requires everyone to participate.


Staff member
That would eliminate the necessity of much of the welfare state seeking government handouts. (You did say you wanted to start balancing the budget, didn't you).
Then maybe we could transition into temporary wage supplementation.
Then assistance only for the TRULY needy.
Then self-reliance and self-esteem that comes from contributing to society for a change.

The road to MAGA requires everyone to participate.
The road to MAGA needs to attract everyone.


Well-Known Member

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
The road to MAGA needs to attract everyone.
Not really. The road to MAGA needs to benefit everyone. Some will benefit more. The attraction is that as we become less dependent on others, the more visible the truly needy are, and the more our tax dollars can assist them.