President Trump

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
It is fun isn't it! It's a win/win for me either way, for Trump, not so much.

But ya, little bit disappointed, I hate to overpay. Take out FAANG and it's not that impressive tbh.

My point remains though. Not a smart move for Trump to make it all about the economy when we're most likely nearing the end of bull run. It's gonna come down, if he's lucky it will happen soon and give him some time for it to recover before the next election.
Like you know your ass from a
hole in the ground! LMFAO
SOUND LIKE A 16 year old.

El Correcto

god is dead

Full blown TDS, sad..


Well-Known Member
You’re right probably just in it because he gone trucking most the day.

That quora lady is nuts. Who compares stand your ground laws to Jim Crowe and slavery?

Comparing Trump to Hitler, riiiiighhhtttttttt.

Trump isn’t close to Hitler, we can agree there.

As for the rest, you’re not a History student, and you’re clearly not able to make the abstract connections between Jim Crow and ‘Stand your Ground’ laws.

On the face of it, they’re disconnected, but do a little research and things clarify themselves.

El Correcto

god is dead
Trump isn’t close to Hitler, we can agree there.

As for the rest, you’re not a History student, and you’re clearly not able to make the abstract connections between Jim Crow and ‘Stand your Ground’ laws.

On the face of it, they’re disconnected, but do a little research and things clarify themselves.
You ain’t gotta go to a fancy smarty pants university to know that’s a stretch you Yankees tell your children so they won’t want their freedoms.