President Trump


Well-Known Member
This is not from HuffPost but you tell me: how long does the list have to be to call a racist a racist? I walk in a room and people see “a black guy”.

Trump carries on like a racist for decades and people fear the term he’s earned. Why is that?

if trump carried on as a racist for decades then why did some of the biggest race haters in black America give him so many kudo's and awards for helping minorities?


Well-Known Member
Trump is a racist, just not in the two instances cited in the opinion piece.

that's why he promoted a no talent black female into such prominent diserable positions.

in that sense he is a racist because he probably promoted her simply based on her sex and the color of her skin into a position she did not earn or deserve.

affirmative action the ultimate act of racism.


Well-Known Member
the sad thing that will come of this is white leadership will less inclined to give a black female a chance because of Amarosa. they will clearly be looking for someone not so outspoken if they do promote.

the other sad thing is she had a chance to help her minority community and screwed It up.


Inordinately Right
if trump carried on as a racist for decades then why did some of the biggest race haters in black America give him so many kudo's and awards for helping minorities?
that's why he promoted a no talent black female into such prominent diserable positions.

in that sense he is a racist because he probably promoted her simply based on her sex and the color of her skin into a position she did not earn or deserve.

affirmative action the ultimate act of racism.
Because he is a :censored2:.


Well-Known Member
Lol. They’re lining up to debunk her?!?

They should have simply ignored her and let The Donald go on being his old racist self. Why give her more spotlight?

You keep confusing Trump with the pusillanimous we had for the last president. Trump is a fighter .


Staff member
So Obama put a bunch of impediments in place on how we can attack adversaries while we get attacked all the time? And you're asking why Trump would reverse that so that it's easier to cyber attack our adversaries?
Yes. That is what I’m asking. And considering his trade policies, what makes you think he wouldn’t attack our allies?


Staff member
Looks like more of “Well if Obama’s for it, I’m against it!” Not brilliant, but that’s as deep as this president goes.