President Trump

El Correcto

god is dead


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
I wasn’t talking about an epithet. Donald Trump is a racist. There really isn’t any debate to it and defending him is vile in itself.

Here is a different viewpoint.

No, Donald Trump Isn’t a Racist

But, you may be asking, isn’t it racist when he talks about banning Muslims from entering the U.S. and saying that illegal Mexican immigrants are rapists and criminals? Nope. Why? Because:
  • Muslims aren’t a race
  • Mexico isn’t a race
Yes, many of Trumps’s statements seem racist, but it’s just a plain fact that they’re not.

Why does linguistic accuracy matter? Because there’s an actual danger for those who inaccurately impugn someone’s character: it can backfire and damage the accuser’s credibility. Also, it misdiagnoses the problem many have with Donald Trump as a political candidate. If we misdiagnose our candidates, then we’ll be voting for or against them for the wrong reasons.

Guess I'm vile now because I offered another viewpoint. smh