President Trump


Well-Known Member
Except its FOX fake news.

Farmers have been killed (both black and white).

The trump tweet said it would be studied no mention of murder . there is a clear effort underway to take land from white farmers who own 95 percent of the farm land due to in part to screwed up laws decades ago. I'm not a fan of interfering in the politics of other countries. two wrongs should never make a right. I think Trump saying it will be studied is an appropriate non interventionist type notice that does not involve us but hopefully encourages South Africa to do this the right way.

“I have asked Secretary of State @SecPompeo to closely study the South Africa land and farm seizures and expropriations and the large scale killing of farmers. ‘South African Government is now seizing land from white farmers.’ @TuckerCarlson @FoxNews”

— President Trump, in a tweet, Aug. 22, 2018

South Africa’s brand new president vows to confiscate land from white farmers

Analysis | Why Land Seizure Is Back in News in South Africa

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
The trump tweet said it would be studied no mention of murder . there is a clear effort underway to take land from white farmers who own 95 percent of the farm land due to in part to screwed up laws decades ago. I'm not a fan of interfering in the politics of other countries. two wrongs should never make a right. I think Trump saying it will be studied is an appropriate non interventionist type notice that does not involve us but hopefully encourages South Africa to do this the right way.

“I have asked Secretary of State @SecPompeo to closely study the South Africa land and farm seizures and expropriations and the large scale killing of farmers. ‘South African Government is now seizing land from white farmers.’ @TuckerCarlson @FoxNews”

— President Trump, in a tweet, Aug. 22, 2018

South Africa’s brand new president vows to confiscate land from white farmers

Analysis | Why Land Seizure Is Back in News in South Africa
The funny/sad part is Trump acknowledges he only knows about the situation because of Tucker Carlson. I’m sure the state department could give him a detailed rundown of everything he wants to know, but it’s not on the TV so Trump can’t pay attention.


Well-Known Member
The funny/sad part is Trump acknowledges he only knows about the situation because of Tucker Carlson. I’m sure the state department could give him a detailed rundown of everything he wants to know, but it’s not on the TV so Trump can’t pay attention.
The State Department gave Tucker Carlson a milquetoast response when he inquired about what their position is on what is happening. Trump then got involved and they then gave Carlson a more engaged response. Contrary to popular notion the President isn't aware of everything at all times nor does he run every department but rather delegates authority and focuses on the big picture. He has to be made aware and to his credit he does follow the one channel that will keep him apprised of serious matters without putting a spin on it. He knew about Mollie Tibbetts from FOX because the MSM wasn't covering it because an illegal immigrant was involved.


Well-Known Member
The funny/sad part is Trump acknowledges he only knows about the situation because of Tucker Carlson. I’m sure the state department could give him a detailed rundown of everything he wants to know, but it’s not on the TV so Trump can’t pay attention.

he said he had told his Sec of state to monitor it when speaking with tucker Carlson. that would indicate he already knew about it when he spoke with Tucker.


Inordinately Right

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
The State Department gave Tucker Carlson a milquetoast response when he inquired about what their position is on what is happening. Trump then got involved and they then gave Carlson a more engaged response. Contrary to popular notion the President isn't aware of everything at all times nor does he run every department but rather delegates authority and focuses on the big picture. He has to be made aware and to his credit he does follow the one channel that will keep him apprised of serious matters without putting a spin on it. He knew about Mollie Tibbetts from FOX because the MSM wasn't covering it because an illegal immigrant was involved.
I hope you’re trolling. It’s beyond idiotic to believe the President should get his information from cable news. No one should get information from cable news.