President Trump

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
AMVETS, one of the country’s largest veterans organizations, blasted President Donald Trump on Monday over his lackluster response to the recent death of Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.).

Veterans Group Calls Out Trump's 'Outrageous' Response To John McCain's Death
After John McCain’s Death, White House Flags Return to Full-Staff, and now it's at Half-Staff Again

Flags at Capitol to stay at half-staff until senator’s burial on Sunday

As many flags around the nation remained at half-staff on Monday to mourn Senator John McCain, a Republican who had survived a Vietnam War prison camp and weathered the gradual coarsening of politics within his own party, the American flag flew at full-staff but lowered to half-staff over the White House.

Trump has yet to offer a single word of praise or recognition of McCain's service since he died Saturday after a battle with brain cancer. The White House offered no official statement, but Trump did tweet his "deepest sympathies and respect" to McCain's family.

During the time he remained active in the Senate, McCain also expressed deep misgivings about Trump's job as President, criticizing his handling of world affairs and the example he has set for the country.
McCain also made clear he did not want Trump to attend his funeral service, instead choosing former Presidents George W. Bush, a Republican, and Barack Obama, a Democrat, to eulogize him. Vice President Mike Pence is expected to represent the White House at McCain's funeral service.


Just a turd
Hitler salutes and fireworks as weapons: Right-wing violence rocks German city
Donald Trump reacting to the riots in Germany


Well-Known Member
Meanwhile more and more is coming out about the attempt to frame Trump and bring down his presidency. Latest is Pentagon auditor just blew the whistle on a contract he found that paid a million dollars to a Cambridge professor to write reports. Turns out this professor, an American named Stefan Halper, approached both Page and Pappadopoulos, trying to get them to talk about Russians. Messed with Mike Flynn too. Halper is a CIA operative who's worked with them for years.

And then there's Bruce Ohr, who was just questioned Tuesday by the Congressional committee behind closed doors. Turns out Mueller never interviewed him which now without any doubt proves Mueller and team are only after one thing, to get Trump. They're not interested in bringing to justice those who truly colluded with Russians.


Just a turd
Meanwhile more and more is coming out about the attempt to frame Trump and bring down his presidency. Latest is Pentagon auditor just blew the whistle on a contract he found that paid a million dollars to a Cambridge professor to write reports. Turns out this professor, an American named Stefan Halper, approached both Page and Pappadopoulos, trying to get them to talk about Russians. Messed with Mike Flynn too. Halper is a CIA operative who's worked with them for years.

And then there's Bruce Ohr, who was just questioned Tuesday by the Congressional committee behind closed doors. Turns out Mueller never interviewed him which now without any doubt proves Mueller and team are only after one thing, to get Trump. They're not interested in bringing to justice those who truly colluded with Russians.
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