President Trump

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Just out of the White House.
Trump to wear this during the huge beautiful military parade.



Well-Known Member
They already have with that huge beautiful tax cut.

Not at all!

Trump loves Generals and War, but he doesn’t give a :censored2: about the soldiers.

Check out the Maralago three who are dictating VA policy, even though they’ve never served in the military and aren’t appointed in any way, shape, or fashion.

You’ve always agreed with me when I’ve said ‘forget the words, follow the actions’.

Trump talks a lot, but he’s screwing over active and ex-military with his actions.

The sad part is, he’s a Macy’s Parade balloon, all puffed up and huge, but:

It’s not clear to me that he understands what he’s saying, or the disconnect between his rhetoric and reality.

If people cheer, he’s happy.

Meanwhile, very little is being substantively enacted to help the military, either currently serving or veterans.


El Correcto

god is dead
Not at all!

Trump loves Generals and War, but he doesn’t give a :censored2: about the soldiers.

Check out the Maralago three who are dictating VA policy, even though they’ve never served in the military and aren’t appointed in any way, shape, or fashion.

You’ve always agreed with me when I’ve said ‘forget the words, follow the actions’.

Trump talks a lot, but he’s screwing over active and ex-military with his actions.

The sad part is, he’s a Macy’s Parade balloon, all puffed up and huge, but:

It’s not clear to me that he understands what he’s saying, or the disconnect between his rhetoric and reality.

If people cheer, he’s happy.

Meanwhile, very little is being substantively enacted to help the military, either currently serving or veterans.

What about the VA reforms?


Well-Known Member
Not as funny as gun control in chiraq.

Hard to police gun laws in Illinois, when every surrounding state has lax or non-existent gun laws.

I live in MA...we have some of the strictest gun laws in the country.

(We also have one of the lowest death-by-gun metrics, absolute shocker).

But we can’t stop guns coming in from ‘Live Free or Die’ NH.

I imagine it’s similar in Chi-town.

On a side note, Chicago gets all the press, but they’re barely in the top-ten vis-a-vis murders.

Please stop mindlessly repeating inaccurate information.