President Trump


Staff member
Nothing happened to linda tripp. Monica Lewinsky was the victim of your president. you lump them with Mike Flynn a man who served his country honorably for decades and then got railroaded . you need better examples for your rebuttal.
They were trotted out in front of the media, dragged through the swamp and cast aside. Swamp games.


Well-Known Member
With Gates, Manafort , Flynn, Cohen, etc. all ready and willing to sing the question is will the Mueller team be able to get them all to sing in harmony putting together a long trail of indelible evidence that will sink Trump? That's not an easy task.
Here's an outcome worthy of thought. GOP loses control of at least the House. The evidence of high crimes and misdemeanors is iron clad but getting articles of impeachment through Congress will run up against the 2020 presidential election.
In response the Republican caucus goes to the Democratic caucus and says, " hey blue here's the deal. In exchange for not moving to impeach we get Trump to agree not to run again What happen to him after he leaves office is a matter for DOJ to figure out".

reality is we pay our politicians to go to congresss and waste time and tax payer dollars engaging in endless partisan battles.

if the dems get the house that's what will then happen on a grander scale.


Well-Known Member
They were trotted out in front of the media, dragged through the swamp and cast aside. Swamp games.

that's your victims to justify taking An honorable career military guy down for political gain?

were you old enough to understand what was going on during the Clinton investigation ? does not sound like it?


Well-Known Member
and sadly I think this silly argument by Itty highlights a dangerous time with our politics. people are implicated by anonymous sources and tried and convicted in public court by a rabid liberal media. the charges never see the inside of a court room because they would never survive legal scrutiny. But in the venue presented they gain a life of their own.
Excellent, I wish I could be as eloquent as that post. I have always been an abrasive ass, attempting to draw a line between light and darkness, right and wrong. I know wrong in my life but trying to convince wrong in another's life is mostly fruitless. The law gives a baseline that most can agree is a good arbiter of right and wrong. Most things Trump have been evaluated without the law, and personal judgments have been levied.After almost two years of supposition, a source has said, and all types of other mindless BS, the sharp knife is about to be withdrawn, to slice, and some nuts will be cut and fall in the dust, they will not be Trumps.
Excellent post @newfie .


Staff member
that's your victims to justify taking An honorable career military guy down for political gain?

were you old enough to understand what was going on during the Clinton investigation ? does not sound like it?
Your use of “honorable” differs greatly from mine.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
it appears i have put you on the defensive trying to defend an insane argument. in the process of chasing your whataboutism you dance around the point that a man who served his country honorably has had his career , financial well being and reputation destroyed in a malicious political witch hunt.
Like Comey or Strotz, John Kerry and the countless other career public servants under attack by Trump.


Well-Known Member
Like Comey or Strotz, John Kerry and the countless other career public servants under attack by Trump.
your what about ism is weak .

comey and strozek are dirty and you really need to step away from CNN and educate yourself. big scandel brewing with the FBI.

Kerry is out violating the foriegn agent rules right now. he should actually be arrested for the same thing you guys tried to pin on flynn.

I'll trade you flynn for Kerry if you want.


Well-Known Member
your what about ism is weak .

comey and strozek are dirty and you really need to step away from CNN and educate yourself. big scandel brewing with the FBI.

Kerry is out violating the foriegn agent rules right now. he should actually be arrested for the same thing you guys tried to pin on flynn.

I'll trade you flynn for Kerry if you want.
I think you need to step away from the GOP information clearing house known as Fox News.
Look, we can all draw our own conclusions but keep in mind they will all be based on widely circulated public information. The indictments those that are unsealed and no doubt some will remain sealed for at least awhile will be the deciding factor and then on top of all that it will then remain to be seen how many if any result in convictions.
In the meantime I still believe that Trump's worst days will come when he's out of office. Too much is known, too many gladly willing to talk and given what is known publicly that odds of him being elected to a second term appear to diminishing with each new bombshell revelation.


Well-Known Member
I think you need to step away from the GOP information clearing house known as Fox News.
Look, we can all draw our own conclusions but keep in mind they will all be based on widely circulated public information.

the widely circulated information you libs ignore is there was no russian collusion. Studied to death and ignored by you libs.

The indictments those that are unsealed and no doubt some will remain sealed for at least awhile will be the deciding factor and then on top of all that it will then remain to be seen how many if any result in convictions.

the indictments from this investigation have not remained sealed they have been rolled out as they were generated. in fact that was one of the criticisms of the manafort case . Mueller is prosecuting manifort and trying to keep his evidence against manifort hidden due to the ongoing investigation.


Well-Known Member
your what about ism is weak .

comey and strozek are dirty and you really need to step away from CNN and educate yourself. big scandel brewing with the FBI.

Kerry is out violating the foriegn agent rules right now. he should actually be arrested for the same thing you guys tried to pin on flynn.

I'll trade you flynn for Kerry if you want.
I believe Flynn would rather be burned at the stake before being traded for 100 Kerry's.


Well-Known Member
Then why do you reply? It’s not like you defending Flynn’s “honor” holds any weight. Maybe you should go play lawyer somewhere else.
I'll just be a burr under your saddle if I choose to. You may not respond, but you'll read it.
Prove me wrong as a play lawyer on a substantive question of law.